This GLOMACS Traffic Signal Control training course will provide a comprehensive understanding of the purpose, benefits, components of a traffic signal control system, in addition to practical tools and techniques utilized in data preparation and modeling processes.
There are two primary practices of signal control systems in transportation studies. First, a traffic problem is addressed for one or multiple urban arterials, where each arterial consisting of several intersections that are controlled by traffic signals. Arterials are usually designed to move large numbers of travelers with different modes, including automobile drivers, transit riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians, through the system with minimum stops and delays. Based on the performance objectives, these coordinated systems often give priority to specific travel modes (e.g., transit riders). Second, the focus of the study is on the operation of an individual signalized intersection. Accordingly, this training course is set to deliver guiding principles for both practices in traffic signal control systems based on global standards.
This GLOMACS training course will highlight:
- Purposes and Benefits of the Traffic Signal Control
- Exploring the System and Providing a Framework
- Collecting and Utilizing High-Resolution Field Data for Signalized Intersections
- Processes, Tools and Techniques for Modelling and Designing Traffic Signal Systems
- The Micro-simulation Environment of Signalized Intersections
By the end of this GLOMACS training course, participants will be able to:
- Understand traffic signal operations including various controller types and platforms
- Perform signal timing optimization to maximize transportation system throughput
- Develop traffic microsimulation models of signalized intersections
- Understand signal timing design evaluations and assessments
- Evaluate the performance of a signal control system
Training Methodology
This GLOMACS Traffic Impact Analysis training course will have topics utilizing a variety of proven adult learning techniques, focused on case studies and best practices. This will include active participation in class practice cases, followed by active group sessions, video materials and tabletop activities.
Organisational Impact
The organization will acquire a thorough understanding of traffic signal design, operations, timing optimization, and state-of-the-art signal controllers to implement Traffic Signal Control solutions and improve their organization workflow through the proper application of Traffic Signal Control systems.
Impact on the organization from delegates in attending this GLOMACS Traffic Impact Analysis training course includes the following benefits:
- Establish a thorough foundation regarding the fundamentals of Traffic Signal Control Systems
- Adopt an organized and planned way of Traffic Signal Control systems
- Improve the mobility at intersections and junctions
- Enhance the performance of signalized intersections via timing optimization
- Reduce labor costs in design and modeling of signalized intersections
Personal Impact
This Traffic Signal Control training course will personally benefit the participants to gain or enhance their understanding and knowledge by the following:
- Evaluate and assess a problematic signalized intersection / junction
- Solid understanding of modelling and design of signal control systems
- Great insight of simulation environment for signalization
- Understanding potential issues in design and modelling processes
- Confidence in decision-making on signal control systems
- Able to integrate information (i.e., field data), justify choices, and communicate results
This GLOMACS Traffic Signal Control training course will significantly benefit those who are involved in traffic and transportation engineering concepts, roadway design, urban planning, traffic management centers, and road infrastructure.
This GLOMACS training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will significantly benefit:
- Traffic & Transportation Engineers and Professionals
- Highway and Roadway Design Engineers
- Project Managers in Infrastructure Solutions Consulting
- Professionals in Urban Planning and Development
- Researchers and Consultants
- Data Analysts, Technicians in Traffic Management Centers
- Practitioners in Traffic and Transport Engineering