This training course introduces a comprehensive training course focusing on Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation. Brownfields are properties that are unoccupied or underutilized and where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse is inhibited by the existence or likely presence of hazardous chemicals, pollutants, or contaminants. Liability issues for developers and potential property owners, technical issues with cleanup methods and land use goals, time, and money issues with the necessary cleanup activities at the site, and planning considerations with the community are all difficulties in cleaning up and redeveloping brownfields.
This GLOMACS Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation training course outlines the full spectrum of services and resources required for the often-complex steps involved in redeveloping, restoration, and remediation of brownfield properties. It seeks to train and assist a broad audience of private industry, field, and agencies, economic development agencies and redevelopment authorities, local officials, communities, property owners, developers, and other stakeholders.
This Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation training course will highlight:
- Brownfield Definition and Properties
- Brownfield Restoration Techniques and Processes
- Brownfields Area Management
- Green and Sustainable Remediation
- Recommendations and Future View
At the end of this Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation training course, you will learn to:
- Understand what Brownfield, Restoration, and Remediation
- Implement Brownfield Restoration Techniques and Processes
- Know how to manage Brownfields Area
- Understand Green and Sustainable Remediation
- Plan how to protect workers
- Plan Time Agenda
- Suggest Financial Plan
Training Methodology
This training course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal presentations, videos, and examples. Relevant case studies will be provided to illustrate the application of each topic in an operations environment. Each learning point will be reinforced with practical exercises. There will be ample opportunities for discussion and sharing experiences.
Organisational Impact
On completion of this Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation training course, the delegate will be able to critically analyze the methodologies employed within the organization and instigate improvements where required. This will keep the work environment safe, smooth, and sustainable.
Personal Impact
Technical knowledge is key to effective control and peer respect within any organization, when this is achieved personal satisfaction follows. training course will give the delegate the required level of technical knowledge and skill to achieve that personal satisfaction in understanding how to restore, remediate, and redevelop the brownfield sites to be safe, green, and utilized as a sustainable land.
This Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation training course is directed towards:
- Engineers
- Supervisors
- Team Leaders
- Operators and Technicians
This GLOMACS Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation training course will also benefit anyone who wishes to update themselves on green building and renewable energy for the benefit of their organisations:
- All Building Operation and Management Personnel
- All Plant & Facility O&M Technicians
- Building Engineers
- Building Managers & Superintendents
- Plant & Facility Managers
- Environmental Health & Safety Personnel
- Environmental Sustainability Engineers
- Energy Management Personnel
- Personnels working in manufacturing plants, wastewater facilities, research facilities, government buildings, commercial & apartment buildings, shopping centers