This Fundamentals of Decarbonisation training course presents comprehensive training on decreasing carbon emissions. Decarbonisation is the essential road to keep the planet from warming more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Most nations aim to achieve net zero by 2050. Net zero refers to a situation in which all greenhouse gas emissions produced are balanced out by an equivalent number of emissions eliminated. To achieve this, rapid decarbonisation is required.
There are two aspects to Decarbonisation. The first is lowering the amount of greenhouse gases released when fossil fuels are burned. This can be achieved through reducing emissions by using as many electrified sectors as possible, as well as zero-carbon renewable energy sources like wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass, which currently account for one-third of the world`s power capacity. Energy demand will decrease due to energy efficiency, but it will increase due to increased electrification, with the demand for power predicted to more than quadruple by 2050.
Decarbonisation will therefore necessitate removing carbon from the atmosphere by capturing emissions and improving carbon storage in forests and agricultural lands. All these issues will be covered in this course.
This GLOMACS Fundamentals of Decarbonisation training course will highlight:
- Definition and Importance of Decarbonisation
- Carbon footprint reduction and environmental sustainability
- Climate Change Response
- Renewable Energy and sustainable development
- Energy Efficiency Decarbonisation
- Other Decarbonisation Issues
At the end of this Fundamentals of Decarbonisation training course, you will learn to
- Understand what Decarbonisation and its importance
- Identify causes of climate change and global warming
- Work safely with Environmental Sustainability
- Know all about Carbon Footprint Reduction
- Implement procedures for Environmental Sustainability
- Understand what the Climate Change Response
- Gain increased skills on Renewable Energy usage
- Understand the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
- Implement all actions to maximize Energy Efficiency and decrease Carbon Emission
- Identify Other Decarbonisation Issues
Training Methodology
This Fundamentals of Decarbonisation training course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal presentations, videos, practical training inside hospital, case studies and interactive worked software troubleshooting centrifugal pump. Relevant case studies will be provided to illustrate the application of each tool in an operations environment. Each learning point will be re-enforced with practical exercises. There will be ample opportunities for discussion and sharing experiences.
Organisational Impact
On completion of this training course, the delegate will be able to critically analyze the methodologies employed within the organisation and instigate improvements where required. This will keep the work environment green via renewable energy utilization with high efficiency, minimum fossil energy consumption, less cost, and less carbon emission.
Personal Impact
Technical knowledge is key to effective control and peer respect within any organisation, when this is achieved personal satisfaction follows. This training course will give the delegate the required level of technical knowledge and skill to achieve that personal satisfaction in understanding how to decarbonate workplace, increase energy efficiency, and decrease carbon emissions.
This GLOMACS Fundamentals of Decarbonisation training course is directed towards:
- Engineers
- Supervisors
- Team Leaders
- Operators
- Technicians
This will also benefit anyone who wishes to update themselves on green building and renewable energy for the benefit of their organisations:
- All Building Operation and Management Personnel
- All Plant & Facility O&M Technicians
- Building Engineers
- Building Managers & Superintendents
- Plant & Facility Managers
- Environmental Health & Safety Personnel
- Environmental Sustainability Engineers
- Energy Management Personnel
- Personnel working in manufacturing plants, commercial buildings, wastewater facilities, government buildings, research facilities, shopping centers and apartment buildings