Oil & Gas well outputs may contain a significant number of pollutants, chemicals, or minerals that affect production quality and the operation of plant facilities. For example, the various corrosion attacks of Mercury on materials such as stainless steel at gas wells is well known. These pollutants, chemicals, and minerals also affect the water quality at plant facilities. Furthermore, the effect of these pollutants, chemicals, and minerals on the environment is a cause for concern. Thus it is important to measure the quality of oil, gas, and water at Oil & Gas plant facilities which are done using specialized quality measurement instruments (QMI).
The highlights of the training course include:
- Implications of quality on measuring instruments
- Emphasis on measuring principles, application and installation requirements, sample handling, and operation and maintenance requirements of QMI
- Characteristics and handling of instruments related to Gas Chromatograph, Reid Vapour Pressure, Hydrocarbon Dewpoint, Moisture (Water Dewpoint), Watercut, Mercury, H2S, CO2, pH, Conductivity, Salinity, Turbidity, and Redox
To get attendees familiar with the measuring principles, application requirements, installation requirements, sample handling, operation and maintenance requirements of the instruments for measuring most important quality performance measures related to Oil & Gas well outputs and surrounding water.
Training Methodology
Delegates will be encouraged to fully participate in this technical training course through the use of syndicate workshop presentations, group discussions, and workshops. A hard-copy manual (and CD), PowerPoint slides, relevant DVD material, handouts and instrument documentation will be fully utilised. This training course explains these techniques in a clear fashion and will include daily summaries, drills, and workshops designed so that the delegates can effectively apply the training course material in their daily work.
Organisational Impact
When delegates return to their place of work, organizations will benefit from the following:
- Participants introduced to the measuring principles and application requirements of QMI
- Participants introduced to the installation requirements of QMI
- Participants introduced to procedures to handle samples for quality measurements
- Participants introduced to the operation and maintenance requirements of QMI
Personal Impact
When delegates return to their place of work, they will benefit from the following:
- Participate in specialized training in QMI
- Get in depth knowledge using QMI
- Become familiar QMI requirements
- Participate in drills and workshops
- Network with fellow delegates
This training course is designed to be of substantial benefit to:
- Lead Instrument Engineer or technician
- Senior Instrument Engineer or technician
- Senior Instrument Systems Engineer
- Lead Instrument Projects Engineer
- Instrument Systems Engineers or technician
- Quality Personnel
- Environmental Personnel