This high-level Certification training course in Certificate in Global Upstream Oil & Gas Operations focuses on the success factors of wide array of Upstream oil and gas industry operations that beat competition and add value to the stake-holders. Crude Oil & Natural gas have dominated Energy industry for the past century and are likely to continue to for the foreseeable future.
Despite these new business strategies, renewable energy sources current industry projections are that oil production will have to increase to meet rising demand from road transport for many years to come. The innovative technologies in the recovery of oil and gas are reducing the costs, employing more efficient recovery techniques, applying stringent economic evaluation and risk analysis to increase stakeholders value. All these are changing the landscape of petroleum industry. Managing international supplies, understanding of fiscal terms and comparison of worldwide fiscal systems is critical to understanding of Upstream production sharing and joint venture contracts. The objective of this GLOMACS Certificate in Global Upstream Oil & Gas Operations is to provide the participants with extensive exposure to the many complex management issues presently confronting the Upstream Petroleum Industry and to strengthen their understanding to mange business successfully.
By the end of this Certificate in Global Upstream Oil & Gas Operations training course, participants will learn to:
- Understand the new technologies and critical success factors of Upstream Operations
- Maximise the profits by enhancing the recovery of oil and reducing the costs
- Analyse break-even costs and mitigate economic risk in the low-price environment
- Implement business strategies for the evolving energy industry in a wide range of situations
- Be cognizant of Geo-political issues, and different Upstream contracts
- Fundamentals of Fiscal terms and conditions, and comparison of World Fiscal Systems
This GLOMACS Certificate in Global Upstream Oil & Gas Operations training course is designed to train and improve the business knowledge of a wide range of professionals as follows:
- Business Development Managers
- Corporate Planning Professionals
- Geoscience & Engineering Professionals
- Refinery Professionals
- Supply Planners & Scheduling Professionals
- Government Regulators
- Law Professionals
- Tax & Finance Advisors
- Auditing Personnel