In order to ascertain whether a structure contains oil or gas, a well has to be drilled through it. One can get important information from the well, such as drill cuttings, cores and different logs.
From these data one can ascertain whether there is oil or gas in the well, and further information about the quality of the reservoir, If the results are promising, one or more zones in the well are sometimes tested - either with a wireline formation tester - so-called mini test - or a drill- stem test (DST). If the results of the test are good, more appraisal wells are drilled to map the extent of the field.
Primarily in this Basic Drilling Technology training course we emphasize the modern ways of drilling in a cost-effective approach while we explain how the field is thoroughly evaluated. This includes estimating the volume of hydro - carbons in the field, consideration of drive mechanism and the expected formation pressures. This forms the basis for the field development plan. Cash flow, capital and operating expenditure for the field are estimated following the drilling sequence and the production tests, so that the profitability can be considered. If the economic evaluation of the field seems positive, it is deemed commercially viable and can therefore be developed.
This Basic Drilling Technology training course will clarify in-depth the drilling of Exploration wells. Also we meet other terms for these wells like Wildcat, Appraisal wells, Development wells or production wells. During the training course the drilling rigs will be presented together with full description of basic components of the rig.
The GLOMACS Basic Drilling Technology training course will feature:
- Introduction to special drilling for highly deviated wells or horizontal ones and the practical means and tools to achieve these demanding works.
- Estimated TD, production potential.
- Geological prognosis considerations prior to start drilling activities
- Casing and cementing design
- Coring and open hole logging
By the end of this Basic Drilling Technology training course, delegates will learn:
- Differences of Drilling onshore or offshore and the influence in the cost of well
- Describe the inherent risks while drilling and need for careful on time diagnostics, action under good supervision for safe drilling.
- Describe the possible implications while drilling high pressures zones.
- Selection of proper drilling fluid for each section of the well to be drilled
- Mud logging services
- List and describe the surface drilling equipment requirements; BOP, D/P and accessories
- Describe well pressure control and safety issues originated from geological anomalies
- Well control and circulation methods to kill the well
- The running of Open hole logging per each drilled section
Training Methodology
This “Basic Drilling Technology” training course will be presented using properly designed materials, some and animation on relevant issues. A manual containing all the slides and/or electronic form in PDF will be delivered to each attendant. Teaching methods include several examples of actual well drilling. Pre & Post Course Assessments are integrated in this course.
Organisational Impact
The organization will gain, in sending their employees to attend this Basic Drilling Technology training course, the following:
- To keep familiar with all phases for drilling a well keeping the expenses to minimum.
- Reduction in the cost of the well by proper selection of bits and ideal drilling BHA’S.
- Achieving good control of the well integrity in all aspects while drilling avoiding all risks.
Personal Impact
- Obtain deep knowledge of drilling and the selection of proper equipment, tools, rigs and services to fulfill the scope of work.
- Learn about LOT and FIT tests and apply what is best for the well and the company
- Improve the skills necessary to effectively and safely control a well during drilling
- Be familiar with well killing methods.
This GLOMACS Basic Drilling Technology training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals and will greatly benefit:
- Drilling Engineers
- Drilling Supervisors
- Drilling Foremen
- Production supervisors and foremen
- Completion supervisors and engineers
- Workover and well service supervisors
- Service Co engineers
- Economists and procurement engineers
- Geologists
- Mud engineers
- Mud technicians