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Course Schedule
Classroom Sessions:
Date Venue
18-14 Apr 2025 Dubai
08-04 Aug 2025 Istanbul
26-22 Dec 2025 Dubai
Online Sessions:
Date Venue
18-14 Apr 2025 Online
08-04 Aug 2025 Online
26-22 Dec 2025 Online


Many of today’s most vital oilfield operations depend directly on the use of wireline, a strong, thin length of wire cable mounted on a powered reel. Wireline is particularly important during completion and production. Field operators can run anything from a basic downhole directional survey to the most delicate gamma ray formation log on wireline. They can fire perforating charges at precisely determined downhole locations, back off a string of stuck pipe, retrieve a wrench, or manipulate complex subsurface well pressure and flow controls.

This Wireline Operations and Techniques training course covers the development of wireline operations, describes wireline equipment, and describes the various operations (diagnostic, troubleshooting, and completion and production maintenance) performed using wireline equipment.

This GLOMACS training course will highlight: 

  • Define what is meant by ‘wireline operations’
  • Identify the circumstances in which wireline operations are carried out
  • Describe the key steps involved in wireline operations
  • Explain the importance of pressure control during wireline operations
  • Identify the hazards posed by wireline operations
  • Describe the mitigation measures that can be used to control the risks posed by wireline operations
  • Explain the actions to take in an emergency situation


At the end of this Wireline Operations and Techniques training course, you will learn to:

  • Recognize and explain function of, slick line, and wireline equipment
  • Recognize and explain function of the Pressure Control Equipment and Bottom-hole assemblies for slick line and wireline interventions.
  • Identify common applications for slick line, wireline interventions
  • Assess the pros and cons of each intervention and evaluate which intervention type to utilizes for various job problems
  • Identify and describe critical job design considerations for each job type of intervention that should be present in a contractor proposal
  • Discuss risks associated with each type of intervention and the corresponding mitigation controls recommended for each job type
  • Enhance rigless intervention safety, efficiency, and success by applying industry best practices and lessons learned for each job type
  • Apply an up-to-date knowledge on wireline equipment, techniques and operations during well completion, servicing, work over and production

Training Methodology

This Wireline Operations and Techniques training course will be presented using properly designed slides, some and animation on relevant issues. A printed manual containing all the slides and/or electronic form in PDF will be delivered to each attendant. Teaching methods include also pre and postevaluation test on related issues. Several examples of actual wireline operations will be presented.

Organisational Impact

By attending this Wireline Operations and Techniques training course, the organization will develop staff that can maximize production and recovery, in a safe, sustainable and cost-effective manner. The organization will be benefit from: 

  • Plan effective operation by understanding the techniques of the equipment and the use of equipment before the operation works
  • Improve the effectiveness of wire line operations via accurate identification of the problems causing a fishing job
  • Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of braided line fishing during the operation by learning how to use braided line equipment in a correct technique

Personal Impact

  • Understand the common applications of Slick line, non-conductive braided cable and e-line (logging cable)
  • Learn the configuration of a basic wireline tool string and how it is manipulated
  • Know the jobs could be conducted by different types of wireline
  • Identify the best practice during job preparation and job execution
  • Know all aspect of well control during wireline operations


  • Wireline Operation Engineer
  • Wireline Engineer
  • Subsurface Engineer
  • Production Engineer
  • Field Support
  • Petroleum Engineers
  • Production Technologists
  • Geoscience Engineer
  • Facility / Process Engineer


Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline

Day 1

Well Completion Introduction

  • Introduction to Petroleum Industry
  • Well Completion.
  • Completion equipment components and its functions.
  • Basic Calculations and Conversions

Day 2

Overview of Wireline

  • Wireline types
  • Wireline Application.
  • Wireline unit components
  • Well Barriers / Well Control
  • Surface Pressure control equipment

Day 3

Slick Line & Braided Line Tools & Applications

  • Slick line unit
  • Pressure control equipment
  • Braided Line and Pressure equipment
  • Tools string components
  • Running and pulling tools
  • Locks, Standing Valves and Landing Nipples
  • Flow control equipment
  • Running – Setting – Equalizing & Pulling process
  • Shifting tools
  • Service and remedial tools
  • Changing Gas Lift Mandrels (demonstration)
  • Running in well

Day 4

Slick line and Braided Line Fishing

  • Wire broken at the surface
  •  Wire remains visible
  •  Wire broken downhole
  •  Blown up the hole
  •  Wire finder
  •  Wire grabs
  •  Fishing Clamps
  •  Retrieval of fish
  •  Fishing for tools
  •  Fishing procedure

Day 5

Electrical Line Operations

  • Electric line features
  • Electric line equipment
  • Electric line operations (logging, perforations, PLT)
  • Wireline challenges
  • Case histories
  • Round table discussion
الشهادات المُعتمَدة
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance

Akaz Capital
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