This GLOMACS Emotional Intelligence and Creative Reframing Skills for Innovative Policing training course will help law enforcement officers gain competency to be more effectively protect and serve the public, learn to appropriately monitor their own and other’s emotions and use this knowledge to guide their thinking, action, and decision making; especially during intense confrontation or interactions with the general public. Policing is a stressful, challenging, high-risk as well as emotionally challenging profession. Growing evidence suggests Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a factor in predicting work performance that involves regular interpersonal contact with people—the cornerstone of the law enforcement profession.
By the end of this GLOMACS training course, the participants will be able to:
- Assess oneself accurately and gain valuable awareness of oneself
- Monitor your own emotions and behave appropriately to reflect the highest standard t for your benefit and that of your Team & Department
- Positively influence the public and establish excellent community policing
- Set an example and inspire best policing practices
- Cultivate spontaneous Flexi mindset to achieve innovative policing
This GLOMACS Emotional Intelligence and Creative Reframing Skills for Innovative Policing training course aimed at all aspects of policing whether you are front-facing or leading teams this course will help you in the following roles:
- Team Leaders
- Traffic Police
- Support Functions
- Community Police Roles
- First-line and Middle Managers
- Criminal Investigation Department (CID)