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Course Schedule
Classroom Sessions:
Date Venue
21 Apr  - 02 May 2025 Dubai
21 Apr  - 02 May 2025 Dubai
28-17 Nov 2025 Dubai
28-17 Nov 2025 Dubai


This GLOMACS Providing World-Class Customer Experience, Service and Satisfaction training course will give your enterprise a crucial strategic advantage in your markets. In an age where the internet has reduced so many brands to mere commodities, to be price compared with just a few clicks, it has emerged that giving customers superb service and world-class customer experiences is the last great strategic point of differentiation. The service and satisfaction we provide customers not only survives the arrival of the internet, but which, thanks to the power and ubiquity of social media, is actually fueled by technological change. 

So how should enterprises go about providing world-class customer experiences, services and satisfaction? The answer lies in the internationally accepted standards for customer service and customer satisfaction. World-class customer service is set out in international standards of the ISO 9001 ‘family’, and, more recently, international standards have now been set for customer satisfaction. These benchmarks are laid out in ISO 10001 - 10004. Attaining these standards tells the world you are amongst the best in delivering customer service and customer satisfaction and this 10-day GLOMACS training course will show you how to attain and be recognized for these International Standards.

This training course will highlight:

  • Everything you need to know to satisfy the requirements to meet the international standards in customer service and customer satisfaction.
  • A detailed understanding of the main criteria to be met to apply for and satisfy the ISO 9001 standards for Customer Service
  • A detailed understanding of the main criteria to be met to apply for and satisfy the ISO 10001 standards for Quality Management (Customer Satisfaction)
  • A detailed understanding of the main criteria to be met to apply for and satisfy the ISO 10002 standards (Complaint Handling)
  • A detailed understanding of the main criteria to be met to apply for and satisfy the ISO 10003 standards (Dispute Resolution)
  • A detailed understanding of the main criteria to be met to apply for and satisfy the ISO 10002 standards (Monitoring & Measuring Customer Satisfaction)


This training course is split into two modules:

MODULE I - Measuring and Managing Customer Satisfaction

MODULE II - Delivering Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction to meet ISO 10001 – 10004

Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training course.


This GLOMACS training course is designed to make attendees aware of all the steps necessary to become accredited with the international standards on customer service and satisfaction ISO 9001, 10001,10002, 10003 and 10004. Delegates will not only learn what is required, but will practice and learn techniques, skills and tools designed to help your organisation become effortlessly compliant with the standards and gain ISO accreditation.

 At the end of this training course, you will learn to:

  • Use excellent communications skills to provide world-beating service
  • Develop excellent leaderships skills to drive the necessary changes
  • Learn excellent planning skills
  • Learn to use and apply the tools of continuous improvement
  • Enable attendees to use planning skills to develop codes of conduct for customer satisfaction
  • Understand that complaints are a gift and develop robust systems for collecting and dealing with complaints
  • Develop the skills of constructive challenge to enable potential disputes to be settled along world-class benchmarked systems

Training Methodology

In this Providing World-Class Customer Experience, Service and Satisfaction training course will use a blended learning approach designed to meet the learning styles and learning needs of all candidates. This includes lecture, case studies, workshop exercises, facilitated discussion, video inputs and more.

Organisational Impact

Meeting these international standards for customer service and satisfaction are a must for any organisation operating in the modern world.  This training course will take delegates step-by-step through the key areas of the standards for customer service (ISO 9001) and customer satisfaction) ISO 10001-10004).

At each step, delegates will be introduced to examples required to meet the standards and then given skills, systems and tools to enable them to help the organisation attain each standard. In addition, taking this training course and subsequently gaining the standards, will:

  • Show your customers you are serious about delivering true value and customer satisfaction
  • Prove that your organisation is one of the very best in the world for giving customer satisfaction
  • Give you ‘best-in-class processes for dealing with all aspects of customer satisfaction
  • Improve your complaints-handling procedures which is often an area where customers are ‘churned’ and business is lost, often forever.
  • Give you clear and transparent dispute resolution approaches in the event of customer problems
  • Give you very clear policies on those elements of quality management that directly relate to customer satisfaction

Personal Impact

Anyone who understands how to draught, file and implement policies to the ISO 10001-4 standards can verifiably claim to be amongst the best customer satisfaction executives in the world.

The benefits for employability and remuneration are obvious.  Main benefits include:

  • You will acquire the knowledge tools and processes that are required to submit and subsequently manage a successful ISO 10001-4 application
  • You will show yourself to be a professional who is internationally recognized as excellent in the delivery of customer satisfaction
  • You will gain a clear insight to guide you through the (sometimes) myriad processes of an ISO accreditation and have a clear, actionable ‘route-map’ through the process.
  • You will be an attractive prospect for promotions in your career.
  • You will be able to demonstrate skills and knowledge that are hugely valuable to any employer


Anyone who is charged with or interested in gaining world-class accreditation for the delivery of customer satisfaction.

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • CEOs
  • Board Members
  • Marketing Directors
  • Consumer Affairs Champions
  • Customer Service Executives
  • Brand Managers
  • Marketing Managers
  • Global Account Managers


Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline
Module 1: Measuring and Managing Customer Satisfaction

Day 1

Building a ISO 9001 Customer-Focused Communication Process

  • What is ISO 9001?
  • Understanding the Key Components of ISO 9001
  • Identifying Customer Communication Barriers
  • Active Listening and Questioning Skills to Improve Customer Relations
  • Interpreting your Customer’s Nonverbal Communication   
  • How to determine your DISC communication style?

Day 2

Principles of ISO 9001 and Total Quality Management “TQM”

  • The Origin and Philosophy behind TQM
  • ISO 9001 8 Principles
  • Deming`s Fourteen Points of TQM
  • Traditional Management vs. Total Quality Management
  • Obstacles to Implementing TQM
  • Case Studies: ISO 9001 Customer Service Excellence

Day 3

Customer Service Satisfaction Requirements

  • What do your customers expect from you?
  • Going the Extra Mile to exceed Expectations
  • Your Attitude makes a Difference
  • Measuring and Monitoring Customer Satisfaction
  • Empowering Employees to Better Serve their Customers
  • Customer Service Satisfaction Survey

Day 4

Customer Service Recovery Strategies

  • The Importance of Customer Complaints and Why they should be encouraged
  • The Impact of Social Media on Customer Service Complaints
  • The Role of the Supervisor in Conflict Resolution
  • Techniques for Managing Emotions 
  • Strategies to Help Calm Upset Customers
  • Service Recovery Strategies for Working with Difficult Customers

Day 5

Implementing an ISO 9001 System

  • Role of Top Management in ISO 9001
  • Plan-Do-Check-Act Methodology
  • Internal Audit Purpose and Process
  • Internal Audit Elements
  • Setting SMART Goals for Continuous Improvement
  • Developing your ISO 9001 Action Plan
Module 2: Delivering Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction to meet ISO 10001 – 10004

Day 6

ISO 10001 – Customer Satisfaction

  • Understanding ISO 10001
  • Meeting the standard – Product (service) delivery
  • Meeting the standard – Product Returns
  • Advertising standards
  • Meeting the standard – Customer personal information handling
  • Meeting the standard – Developing a customer satisfaction code of conduct

Day 7

ISO 10002 – Complaints Handling

  • Creating a customer feedback system
  • How to handle complaints
  • Developing a positive customer complaint handling process
  • Analyzing customer complaints and service amendments resulting
  • Resourcing your complaints handling system
  • Culture changes required
  • Analysing and evaluating complaints successfully

Day 8

ISO 10003 – Dispute Resolution

  • The essentials of fair, transparent and accessible dispute resolution/handling domestic disputes
  • Handling cross-border/international disputes
  • E-Commerce disputes
  • Processes for dispute resolution
  • Monitoring and evaluating your dispute resolution processes.
  • Guidance on management involvement in the dispute resolution process
  • Guidance on the selection of providers and use of their services

Day 9

ISO 10004 – Monitoring and Measuring Customer Satisfaction

  • Scoping your quality management system
  • Effective process measurement principles
  • Effective process monitoring principles
  • Analysis and evaluation techniques
  • Metrics, KPIs and dashboards
  • Management reporting

Day 10

Producing your submission

  • How the standards tie into existing customer service policies (e.g. ISO 9000 ‘family’)
    • Customer Focus (ISO 9001)
    • Quality Objectives (ISO 9001)
    • Customer Communication (ISO 9001)
    • Customer Satisfaction (ISO 9001)
  • How to integrate the new standards into existing practices
  • Integrating the new standards with existing styles
  • Integrating with current standards on complaints (ISO 9004)
  • Creating a coherent policy spanning ISO 9000 ‘family’ and ISO 10001 – 4)
الشهادات المُعتمَدة
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance

Akaz Capital
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