Starting from 2014 the move towards cashless societies has gathered momentum, incorporating a wide array of digital instruments ranging from payment apps to cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Most recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission set its sights on Crypto staking arguing the rewards earned via staking should be registered as securities.
This Cryptocurrencies Financial Market training course provides a primer to current developments in Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets and the relevant Fintech technologies. It will help you understand how cryptocurrencies create opportunity in the finance industry and its impact on traditional financial markets.
This GLOMACS Cryptocurrencies Financial Market training course will highlight:
- Data Mining Strategies
- Blockchain
- New types of digital currency
- Understand the different between conventional and digital payment systems
- Appreciate the finance technology and the different related applications
- Determine how Digital POS and e-Wallet work?
- Differentiate use cases of multiple emerging technologies within the payment ecosystem
- Analyse how Bitcoins and Etherum work
- Analyse real-world examples of Cryptocurrencies and Digital Wallets
Training Methodology
The training course leader will deploy a full range of dynamic and interactive training methods in a carefully balanced programme of tutor presentations supported by real examples and case experiences of individual issues. Also, delegates will work in groups on case studies to develop their skills in the key tools and techniques of this subject. Above all, the training course leader will illustrate the main learning points with examples of real-life decisions on feasibility analysis and business planning in which he has been personally involved.
Organisational Impact
In sending employees to this Cryptocurrencies Financial Market training course, the organization will gain the following employee performance improvements in key business activities:
- Individuals and teams with a better appreciation of new innovations of in FinTech
- Employees with improved skills in Fintech
- More powerful analytical capability of Initial Coin Offering
- Improved Technical understanding of Tokenization
- Better decision-making by managers on questions of technological change in the Banking and Finance Markets
- Clearer Understanding of Crypto Risks
Personal Impact
In attending this Cryptocurrencies Financial Market training course, individual participants will gain the following career development benefits:
- Discuss problems with Tokenisation
- Explain the revolution of Blockchain - digitalization, democratization, socialization of payments
- Understand the characteristics new types of digital currency
- Discuss the benefits and Risks of Crypto Market
- Appreciate the pricing methodology of crypto assets and Crypto investing
- Professionals seeking to get deep information about domains of technology in finance
- Professionals who have an interest in emerging technologies and their applications in finance and banking
- Senior executives and employees in charge of company’s financial and IT departments
- Banking and Wealth Management Professionals
- Regulatory Officials