Rotating equipment, such as compressors, turbines, pumps and others, are the most critical for processes in oil refineries and large petrochemical plants. These components with complex controls are subject to wear, deterioration and aging, which results in equipment failures, breakdowns and outages. Each type of equipment has a special role in the overall refinery operation and has a different criticality index associated with a failure’s consequence that bring risks related to safety, environment, production loss and maintenance costs.
This highly interactive and intensive GLOMACS Refinery Critical Equipment Operation for Compressors, Turbines and Pumps training course will consider the operation and maintenance of compressors, turbines and pumps from the aspect of quantitative critical analysis of their faults and defects and rank them according to the seriousness of consequences on safety, environment and production loss. This training course will explain the most efficient maintenance management strategy focused on high-priority maintenance tasks that minimize unplanned breakdowns and repeated failures, with the ultimate goal of maximizing the life of the components and the system.
This training course will highlight:
- Technical characteristics of compressors, turbines and pumps for the given application
- Criticality index and criticality list of components
- Practical issues related to trouble-free operation of rotating equipment
- Root cause analysis of problems related to vibration and dynamic balancing
- Guidelines for monitoring, maintenance and troubleshooting
At the end of this training course, you will learn to:
- Deal with technical characteristics of compressors, turbines and pumps
- Apply the guidelines for efficient operation with decreased maintenance costs
- Interpret results of testing and inspection of critical components
- Analyze failure modes of critical components
- Apply diagnostic and monitoring technologies to achieve the best results
Training Methodology
This training course will be conducted along the workshop principles with formal lectures, case studies and interactive work examples. Relevant and real-life case studies will be provided to illustrate the application of each tool in an operation and troubleshooting situation. Learning topics will be re-enforced with practical exercises. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussions and sharing experiences during class workshops.
Organisational Impact
On completion of this training course, the participants will be able to adequately analyze operation and maintenance methodologies employed within their organization. They will be able to initiate potential improvements where required. This training will give the participant the required level of technical knowledge and skill that will prove useful in their professional activities.
Personal Impact
The knowledge gained in this course will provide a better understanding of compressors, turbines and pumps in complex operating conditions. The participants will be able to develop a proactive maintenance system which will allow better inspection, control and monitoring with the goal of avoiding unplanned equipment failures and maximizing rotating equipment availability and reliability.
This GLOMACS training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Mechanical and Process Engineers
- Plant Engineers responsible for operations, maintenance and troubleshooting
- Project Leaders
- Maintenance and Instrumentation Professionals
- Technologists and Facility Operators