The annual losses due to corrosion and the cost of rectification run to several billion dollars in oil & gas exploration industries around the world. High production under aggressive and extreme operational conditions necessitates the development of new materials which also have peculiar failure behaviors. Thus the industry operators are on continuous perusal with different corrosion management strategies. Yet unforeseen failures of top-side, sub-surface and sub-sea infrastructure due to corrosion not only entails in loss of production but loss of life as well. Prediction of failure behaviors, remaining useful life, corrosion preventive measures are all approaches in corrosion management for safe and economic operation of production wells and other facilities. The Successful corrosion management influences the economic outcome of the company by ensuring cost effective selection of materials, chemical treatments, coatings, cathodic protection systems and appropriate designs.
This training course is designed for engineers and operators engaged in oil and gas exploration industry requiring an understanding of corrosion fundamentals: the causes and control of corrosion in oil and gas production and processing. This training course will provide an overview of what corrosion is and what the major corrosion issues are in upstream oil and gas operations. The focus will be on understanding how materials corrode, what techniques are used to monitor corrosion and some basic corrosion control fundamentals. The participants will be introduced to inhibitors and how they work, corrosion monitoring in field applications and cathodic protection. The training course content is presented from a practical production operations viewpoint and provides participants with the basic skills and understanding to control and solve corrosion issues.
Training Methodology
- The training course combines sound engineering principles, methods and applicable standards.
- All lectures are in colorful Power-Point presentation.
- All lectures are interspersed with interactive discussion.
- All lectures include group discussion, case history and exercises
- Actual major incidents as well as industry experience are reviewed.
- Participants receive a multicolor course manual.
- Pictures of real incidents and case history are shown.
- Videos on the subject are shown.
Organisational Impact
The Company will achieve improved corrosion management system through the performance of an efficient corrosion control methods based on total life cycle corrosion economy.
Personal Impact
Participants will be more able to actively contribute towards reducing the probability of less unforeseen failures in overall corrosion control approaches.
Participants will enhance their competence and productivity thereby enhancing their competence and performance and making additional value added contributions to their organizations in the discipline of corrosion management systems.
Personnel who are working in technical areas related to assets integrity management who deal directly or indirectly with corrosion monitoring and its control.