This Practical Tools for Effective Leadership training course has been specifically designed to meet the demands of the modern workplace. During the training course, participants will be given the opportunity to examine in their existing knowledge and skills and be instructed in areas related to Motivating, Coaching, Counselling & Mentoring. This training course is very practical, thought provoking, motivational and above all interesting. This training course will introduce participants to the core skills of Workplace Coaching, Counselling and Mentoring and will focus on practical skills development.
Workplace coaching is a skilled activity that should be delivered by appropriately trained people and is a proven method to train and develop others. A mentor is someone who can help (often a younger) another employee work out their priorities, make career decisions, and develop work skills. Workplace Counselling can involve practical skills to help others and also the provision of professional support through Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs).
This GLOMACS training course will highlight:
- Motivational Workplace Coaching Techniques
- Practical Skills for Mentoring Staff
- Effective Communication Skills
- How to motivate yourself and other Staff
- How to coach top performers
- How to equip others with peak performance skills and develop pro-action plans
At the end of this Practical Tools for Effective Leadership training course, you will learn to:
- Evaluate Techniques for Coaching, Counselling & Mentoring
- Utilise Motivational Coaching Techniques in the Workplace
- Develop Practical Counselling Skills to Use with Staff
- Communicate More Effectively at All Levels
- Comprehend the Concepts and Appropriate Methodology of Mentoring
Training Methodology
Participants to this Practical Tools for Effective Leadership training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the training course outline with the Instructor utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. Training course methodology includes stimulating presentations supporting each of the topics together with interactive trainer lead sessions of discussion. Role-plays, small group work, structured exercises and feedback will be used to facilitate learning.
Organisational Impact
By attending this exciting training course, you will be investing in your future - the future of your department and the future of your organisation.
- Add value to the department and the organisation as a whole
- Participants will be left with a range of skills and competencies to coach, counsel, motivate and mentor staff
- Incorporating taught kills and techniques into work behavior, participants will demonstrate practical motivational coaching skills
- Support organisational goals of personal and team development
- Participants are encouraged to take new ideas and strategies back to their workplace for discussion with their own Manager
Personal Impact
Participants on this training course will develop their skills and knowledge of training, and will leave the venue with:
- Thorough knowledge of coaching, mentoring and counselling techniques
- Improved confidence and self-assurance
- A greater awareness of essential knowledge in relation to Human Development
- An increased ability to communicate with staff
- Remove barriers and hindrances to career goals
This Practical Tools for Effective Leadership training course is suitable for a wide range of people but will particularly suit:
- Supervisors
- Team Leaders
- Management Professionals
- Management Staff
- Line Managers
- Technical Managers
- All Professionals at all levels who want to become effective at coaching and motivating others
- HR or Training Staff
- Anyone required to coach or mentor others