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Course Schedule
Classroom Sessions:
Date Venue
06-02 Jun 2025 London
22-18 Aug 2025 London
24-20 Oct 2025 Dubai
21-17 Nov 2025 London
05-01 Dec 2025 Dubai
19-15 Dec 2025 London
Online Sessions:
Date Venue
06-02 Jun 2025 Online
19-15 Dec 2025 Online


Today’s successful managers and leaders must build strong relationships with stakeholders.  This is essential for successful running of projects, plans and events.  Your stakeholder relationships can best develop by improving your ability to communicate, collaborate and engage with multiple stakeholders, across all communication channels.

This Stakeholder Engagement & Management training course will help your skills in negotiating, influencing, communicating and persuading all the many internal and external stakeholders you might have to deal with.  It is an ideal training course for those who work in a busy professional organisation and are seeking more responsibility.

This GLOMACS training course will feature:

  • Effective contact and communication with internal and external stakeholders
  • Successful and meaningful engagement with individuals and teams of stakeholders
  • Developing a strategic approach to stakeholder relationships
  • Effective communication and emotional intelligence for stakeholder engagement
  • Techniques for creating win-win outcomes through better negotiation
  • Collaborative and coordination skills, plus convincing, persuading and influencing techniques


By the end of this Stakeholder Engagement & Management training course, participants will be able to:

  • Enhance and improve cross-functional relationship and build rapport, as well as manage stakeholders’ expectations and gain their buying in 
  • Negotiate, influence, conciliate, convince, compromise, concede and persuade the internal and external stakeholders with divergent interests
  • Identify, plan and execute Good, Best and Right Communication strategy to the internal and external Stakeholders
  • Navigate the organisational politics to manage and resolve conflicts due to competing priorities, needs and demands
  • Track Stakeholders expectations achievement through effective status monitoring, control, reporting and meaningful progress meetings

Training Methodology

This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes individual and group activities, role-plays, small-group activities, short videos, and case studies. Enjoyable but learning based activities will be offered to the participants. This is a very practical course with many team and individual activities.


This Stakeholder Engagement & Management training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Professionals who want to learn techniques to work with other colleagues
  • Team leaders, supervisors, section heads and managers
  • Professionals who have an interest in a management position
  • Project, purchasing, finance & production officers and personnel
  • Technical professionals including those in Maintenance, Engineering & Production
  • Secretaries, clerks, administrative and support staff


Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline

Day 1

Stakeholders Engagement Process

  • Essentials of Stakeholders Management – Skills and Competencies
  • Cooperate, work together, join forces and team up – what is the strategy?
  • Identifying, anticipating and analysing Stakeholder’s requirements, demands and needs
  • Managing tricky, complex, complicated, challenged and difficult Stakeholders
  • The Stakeholders Prioritisation Game – Ramping Up and Ramping Down
  • How to manage stakeholders’ expectations that can’t be managed effectively
  • Strong and confident stakeholders’ relationships to ensure increased success

Day 2

Building Strategic Relationships

  • How to build and manage key relationships within a stakeholder group
  • Qualifying and managing key influencers accurately
  • Producing a ‘relationship matrix’ for each account quickly and easily
  • How best to approaching and developing new contacts
  • Developing a coach or advocate in every client site pro-actively

Day 3

Influence Skills when Working with Stakeholders

  • How to integrate your business style and solutions with the stakeholder’s needs and processes
  • Getting your message and strategy across to C-level contacts
  • Being able to better anticipate, identify, create, and develop opportunities within a group.
  • Knowing your personalised value message: Differentiating your solutions clearly and accurately with customer/client-matched value statements.
  • Tools, techniques and principles of influence.

Day 4

Communication and Negotiation with Emotional Intelligence

  • Effective Communication and Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Manager instead of Program/Project/Functional/Capability Lead Manager
  • Effective Convincing, Persuading and Influencing techniques
  • Collaborative and Coordinated skills – achieving commitment and consistency
  • Compromise and Concession middle point
  • Win to Win and Win to Lose
  • Stakeholders Relationship game and rapport

Day 5

Teamwork and Time Management for Stakeholder Relationship Building

  • Working with other stakeholders inside and outdies your organisation to achieve your account goals
  • Managing and working with a virtual team and creating cross-departmental communication loops
  • Managing your time and stakeholders effectively on a daily basis
  • Setting priorities, goals and account objectives for stakeholder relationship building.
الشهادات المُعتمَدة
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance

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