This GLOMACS Feasibility Analysis training course delivers a vital input to the development of leadership and management skills. Many organisations commit to a course of action that produces unsatisfactory results. This is almost always due to poor feasibility analysis before critical strategic and operational decisions are made. There is overwhelming evidence that project outcomes are much more likely to be achieved when a rigorous feasibility study has been carried out. Without accurate feasibility analysis as a multi-dimensional part of the first phase of decision-making resources can be wasted with resulting under-performance.
This training course is designed to introduce best practices in feasibility analysis to enable managers to achieve market-leading levels of competitive performance - resulting in sustained competitive excellence. Successful participation in this training course will allow experienced managers to enhance the performance of themselves and their teams in evaluating new ideas that will help to create a successful organisation of the future.
This GLOMACS training course will highlight:
- Best practice in fixing the scope and structure of a feasibility study
- Analysing technical feasibility
- Analysing economic and commercial feasibility
- Analysing financial feasibility
- Linking feasibility studies to the strategic plan of the organisation
This GLOMACS training course is designed to develop expertise in 5 key areas. At the end of this training course you will learn to:
- Execute an effective feasibility study prior to making a major decision
- Define the primary outcomes that will be monitored and measured
- Integrate and align each feasibility study with the overall strategic plan
- Keep all types of project on target in changing business conditions
- Set and achieve ambitious targets for the next stage of development
Training Methodology
The training course leader will deploy a full range of dynamic and interactive training methods in a carefully balanced programme of tutor presentations supported by real examples and case experiences of individual issues. Also, delegates will work in groups on case studies to develop their skills in the key tools and techniques of this subject. Above all, the training course leader will illustrate the main learning points with examples of real-life decisions on feasibility analysis and business planning in which he has been personally involved.
Organisational Impact
In sending employees to this GLOMACS training course, the organisation will gain the following employee performance improvements in key business activities:
- Individuals and teams with a better appreciation of the business potential
- Employees with improved skills in integrating and managing projects
- More powerful analytical capability at all levels of management
- Improved business planning, targeting and goal setting
- Better decision-making by managers on questions of change and development
- Clearer contribution in creating tomorrow’s organisation
Personal Impact
In attending this GLOMACS training course, individual participants will gain the following career development benefits:
- Improved understanding of the basic drivers of the business
- Better appreciation of the linkage between strategic and operational management
- Sharper alignment and balance of personal and team activities with objectives
- Greater confidence in choosing and directing resources
- Improved decision-making at the operational level
- Enhanced career flexibility and potential
Because feasibility analysis can affect choices and decisions in every dimension of contemporary business, all managers and team leaders will find this training course a valuable source of new ideas and a framework for practical choice in setting priorities.
Therefore, this GLOMACS training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals who have some experience in strategic and operational management but will greatly benefit the following:
- Project Management Professionals
- Operations Managers
- Marketing and Business Planning Specialists
- Human Resource Specialists
- Financial Analysts and Management Accountants
- Systems Analysts and Business Process Designers
- Change Management Specialists