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Course Schedule
Classroom Sessions:
Date Venue
22-11 Aug 2025 London
22 Sep  - 03 Oct 2025 London
24-13 Oct 2025 Amsterdam


This is an intensive 10-day training course that offers delegates the opportunity to explore the practical application of strategic analysis, creative thinking, modern management, and agile methods in a modern organizational context. Delivered within two five-day modules that run over a two-week period, those attending will obtain fresh ideas, knowledge, skills, tools and questions, to make a difference when they return to their organizations.

With an emphasis on strategy, broader management context and organization, the first week takes a bigger picture view on vision, goals, leadership and change. The second week builds to explore deeper on the tactical delivery, with delegates gaining an understanding of using agile methods, competencies and performance management in their own work. The emphasis is on engaging and leading people, developing and supporting the talent of the future, and building their valuable networks and connections that make a difference.

This GLOMACS The Oxford Advanced Strategy and Leadership Professional training course will highlight:

  • The importance of analysis and use of tools, to support rich strategic conversations.
  • The practical use of agile methods, to speed up progress and encourage delivery.
  • The importance of personal leadership, style, values, influence, and persuasion.
  • The management of important internal and external relationships, to great leadership.
  • The correct use of competencies and measures to build performance and team success.


This training course is split into two modules:

MODULE I - The Oxford Advanced Strategy for Directors & Leaders

MODULE II - Leadership Agility

Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however, delegates will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training course.


At the end of this Oxford Advanced Strategy and Leadership Professional training course, successful delegates will learn how to:

  • Apply respected models and tools within their planning and management work.
  • Understand their own leadership style and improve how they communicate.
  • Contribute fully to future executive conversations around change.
  • Apply different forms of thinking and analysis to different organizational problems.
  • Build a team culture that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and high performance.

Training Methodology

This is a specialist and intensive training course designed for ambitious and motivated managers who are willing to contribute to the organizational conversations of the future. Delegates are expected to bring their own thoughts to the training course’s questions and discussions, in a confidential space where debate is encouraged and respected. Those that can contribute fully with their fellow professionals and apply the learnings to their own organization’s context and needs, will gain the most from this training course.

This training course is delivered in a collegiate environment, mixing a deliberately relaxed and informal creative atmosphere with challenging intellectual content. The training course will blend  learning formats that will stimulate and stretch participants, including formal seminar style presentations structured and informal discussions, along with solo work and group exercises to provide lots of time for ideas, thinking and reflection. Content will connect concepts and ideas constructively, from day to day, and delivery uses a mix of workshop tools, from printed materials, slides, case studies, design work and videos.

Organisational Impact

The organization will benefit as successful participants will be able to:

  • Contribute professionally to the most important leadership conversations.
  • Introduce new ways of exploring change of practices, within the organization.
  • Support the use of modern agile methods within their own teams and projects.
  • Confidently create future business cases, requiring analysis and fresh ideas.
  • Manage their team better, develop talent and build stronger relationships.

Personal Impact

Participants will personally benefit from:

  • Building confidence in discussing strategy, planning and performance at executive level
  • Gaining a range of tools, methods and ideas to use in their own practice and work.
  • Understanding their own professional role, and how to develop more impact.
  • Improving their personal leadership style, to improve performance and develop talent.
  • Sharing and learning from other executives, in a confidential and safe space.


This GLOMACS 10-day training course is designed for a range of talented managers across the organization who are expected to be involved in in contributing to future strategic changes, leading teams and steering important management projects.

This Oxford Advanced Strategy and Leadership Professional training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • General Managers, across commercial, marketing, product, technical, or operations.
  • Team leaders, tasked with improving performance & delivery in their departments.
  • Specialist managers, responsible for building new business cases, plans and projects.
  • Executives responsible for creating and driving greater organizational change.
  • Other professionals, advising executives and managers (e.g., lawyers, accountants, etc.)


Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline
Module 1: The Oxford Advanced Strategy for Directors & Leaders

Day 1

Navigating Strategy Through Uncertainty  

  • What strategy ‘is’ and ‘is not’?
  • Defining the end point: Vision, mission, and objectives
  • Stakeholders’ points of view
  • The psychology of regret
  • The challenge of decision making

Day 2

Strategic Business Analysis  

  • Analysis: External factors
  • Industry analysis
  • Product and industry life cycles
  • Competitor analysis
  • Determining priorities

Day 3

The Role of Leaders in Delivering Strategy 

  • Leadership qualities for strategic management
  • Cascading goals
  • Managing conflict across organisational boundaries
  • Developing and communicating a clear message
  • Influence, negotiation, and persuasion

Day 4

Striking a Balance between Data and Creativity  

  • Tracking business performance
  • Converting data into usable information
  • Does innovation stem from numbers?
  • Imagining possible futures (scenarios)
  • Planning for innovation

Day 5

Alignment to Strategic Goals  

  • How effective is your performance management process?
  • Engaging with and motivating staff
  • Handling strategic drift and ever-changing goals
  • Identifying change agents
  • Delegating decisions
  • Personal development planning
Module 2: Leadership Agility

Day 6

Becoming an Agile Leader

  • Changing face of Leadership in the modern world
  • What is Agile? AGILE principles and Manifesto
  • Developing an Agile mindset, behaviours and characteristics
  • Understanding Organisational Agility
  • Organisational Models in Business
  • Mastering Change

Day 7

Strategic, Operational and Tactical Factors

  • Defining Strategy, Operational and Tactical leadership
  • Strategy models and principles
  • Organisational Data collection and planning
  • Challenging ‘normal’: the Alternative Box
  • Setting the Behaviours and Values needed in the organisation
  • Creating the Vision V Mantra: ensuring buy-in from all

Day 8

Organisational Development and Performance

  • The importance of Organisational Development and Strategy
  • Identifying your Talent for future growth: models and principles
  • Competency Frameworks and Behaviours
  • Utilizing Performance Management Systems
  • Development Options to increase organisational excellence
  • Succession Planning and OCR techniques

Day 9

Building Strong Strategic Relationships

  • Why Building relationships matters in business
  • Strategic and Customer Relationship Management
  • Key Stakeholder Planning
  • Power and Influence mapping
  • Networking: techniques to improve relations
  • Using Data analysis to inform the business 

Day 10

Achieving the Organisational Excellence Culture

  • What is Culture?
  • Creating a culture of Organisational Excellence
  • Gaining support from others
  • Review of Operational Excellence models and comparison
  • Implement and embed Organizational Excellence in business
  • Summary and Review
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