Warehouses and Inventory Management are critical for the effective management of procurement and the supply chain to enable the efficient delivery of superior customer service.
Warehouses and Inventory controls are often overlooked and are not thought to be an important activity. Therefore, incorrect levels of inventory can be held with attendant knock on effects to costs, availability and customer service.
This GLOMACS Excellence in Warehouse and Inventory training course will destroy this myth of un-importance and demonstrate just how to:
- Evaluate procedures, change and improve methods wasteful activities and excess costs
- Discover all of the essential tools for the effective management of warehousing and inventory
- Achieve best in class performance is exactly what this course is about
- Use all of the practical skills to take back to the workplace so that all those internal problems that limit performance are avoided
- Apply the required principles and look at many practical applications in a highly interactive learning environment; delegates will have fun while learning principles and skills to ensure that they are able to change current methods and activities
This training course is split into two modules:
Warehouse & Stores Management
Inventory & Stock Control Management
Each module is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however,
will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training
By the end of this Excellence in Warehouse and Inventory Management training course, delegates will be able to:
- Learn the principles of Warehouse and Inventory Management
- Evaluate current procedures
- Examine operations and activities
- Analyze the key areas of operations
- Identify and Understand key performance indicators
- Succeed in improving operations
- Improve personal productivity
- Make needed changes to methods to improve customer service whilst achieving reductions in inventory
- Eliminate wasteful costs
- Avoid those internal problems that limit performance
- Obtain added value for money
- Understand and implement the essential tools for managing warehouses and inventory in the supply chain
Training Methodology
Warehouse and Inventory Management consists of nineteen modules containing lecture content, participative discussions, and many case studies to make this GLOMACS Purchasing, Logistics & Supply Chain Management training come alive. The supportive comprehensive training course manual will enable practical application and reinforcement and ensure back at work applications.
Organisational Impact
A legacy of increasing product availability and customer service levels is the ever-increasing requirements to:
- Examine the link of stock in the company operations and activities
- Analyse the key areas of warehouse operation
- Identify and understand key performance indicator
- Succeed in improving operation
- Organisations are much more healthy and productive when they have effective warehouse and inventory operations that provide superior customer service and product availability
Personal Impact
- See how to conduct an analysis of stock
- Gain from making productivity improvements in all operations
- Understand how to select and maintain warehouse equipment
- Conduct safe working practices and operations
- Apply a framework for continual improvement
- Gain the financial benefits that effective warehouse and inventory management can bring
This GLOMACS Excellence in Warehouse and Inventory training course is for all individuals who have a stake in the Supply Chain and all Logistics, Materials, Inventory, Stock, Warehouse and Distribution Professionals
- It will also help those who need to develop their limited understanding about Warehouse and Inventory management
- It will be especially helpful to all those who are looking to make business gains and benefits and to any owners, operators and directors of companies with warehouse and stores operations and who hold stock and inventory