This GLOMACS Public Relations in the Oil and Gas Industry seminar will help your organisation to tell its story in a way that fosters understanding building relations with local communities, national governments, campaigners and the media building your brand and reputation.
The energy sector is vital to our daily lives and to global economies but, much of the time, is treated harshly in the media and by some stakeholders. Sustained public relations campaigns can help drive strategic organisational change, build public perceptions and drive reputation with key stakeholders.
This powerful GLOMACS Public Relations in the Oil and Gas Industry training seminar takes a problem-solving approach to the design of PR programmes for the oil and gas industry. By closely fitting the approach to core business priorities it reinforces key messages and organisational strategy.
Participants will develop the following competencies:
- Setting clear objectives and KPIs with realistic budgets and schedules
- Campaign design and planning skills
- Engaging target audiences – including the media – with great content
- Use of key tools and techniques to influence audience behaviour
- Media relations strategies and tools to optimise coverage in your target channels
- Crisis and litigation management approaches
At the end of this GLOMACS training seminar delegates will be able to:
- Develop a problem-solving approach to match PR strategy to business objectives choosing channels and tactics to achieve business results
- Examine the range of PR tools and techniques to select the best for your purpose
- Plan PR campaigns to meet need setting clear objectives with behavioural outcomes and measurable results
- Measure risk and plan to mitigate these risks
- Understand how to generate and place stories in the media and achieve consistently favorable coverage
Training Methodology
This GLOMACS Public Relations in the Oil and Gas Industry training seminar is fast-paced, highly interactive and participatory. Training will be delivered through a combination of presentations, group discussion, role play and group exercises. This GLOMACS programme is rich in case studies and examples. Multimedia presentations will feature video case studies as well as the opportunity to hear experts from a variety of disciplines.
Organisational Impact
Your organisation will benefit from:
- Clearer and more focused internal and external communication
- Production of clearer and more strategic PR / Communications briefs
- Coherent and focused campaigns that deliver clear business results
- Enhanced reputation and brand profile through well designed campaigns
- Enhanced media profile and breadth of coverage
- Maximum effect for minimum financial outlay
Personal Impact
You will acquire a range of skills, techniques and knowledge, particularly:
- Greater problem-solving ability
- Ability to think and act more creatively
- Greater confidence in presenting your arguments to diverse audiences
- Tools to manage issues across a range of media
- Crisis management skills
This GLOMACS Public Relations in the Oil and Gas Industry training seminar is relevant to anyone likely to have responsibility for managing relations with stakeholders and maintaining long-term relationships with government, visitors, partners, customers, guests and VIPs.
- PR, public affairs, corporate communications and media / press officers
- Community relations specialists
- Government and external affairs personnel
- Managers of all levels and team leaders
- Middle and senior managers with a responsibility for effective communications