This GLOMACS Substation Design & Operation training course has been designed to provide a clear and perfect understanding of transmission & zone substation primary and secondary systems.
Power systems are comprised of transmission, distribution, and generation. In order to control the line losses and voltage drop percentages within these systems, power companies and industrial consumers normally design and install substations at different locations and at different voltage levels, which facilitate not only the monitoring and instrumentation of system parameters, but also they will help companies, utilities, and industrial loads to bring under control and improve their power factor, demand factor, load factor, tele-protection, overload, fault clearance times, critical and essential loads, and equipment ratings.
The primary system component covers the installation, commissioning, testing, maintenance, operation and design of switchgears and switchyards, power transformers, service transformers, switching devices (circuit breakers, disconnect switches, earthing switches, etc.), gantry towers, cable trenches and cable ducts, and substation buildings. The primary component also discusses clearance distances, cable and transformer sizing, lightning/switching impulse/power frequency protection (surge arresters and surge diverters), basic insulation level (BIL), instrument transformer types, substation geotech and feasibility studies, substation location, and load studies. In this training seminar the participants will have the opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of different busbar configurations and build up single line diagrams and layout diagrams as the main tools for system analysis. The participants will also have the opportunity to determine the system voltage profile together with the technical specifications of switchgears, outdoor circuit breakers and busbars, power cables, etc.
The secondary system component covers the installation, commissioning, testing, maintenance, operation and design of protection relays, fuses, circuit breakers, reclosers, sectionalizers/load break switches, fault recorders, and other protection, control, and instrumentation devices. The secondary system component also discusses some popular protection and control logics, SCADA systems, COMMS protocols and applications, intertripping techniques, overload control, load shedding, automation and remote control, earthing systems, batteries and battery chargers, AC and DC auxiliary systems and panels, power factor compensation (PFC) techniques, power quality issues (such as harmonics, voltage flicker, sag, swell, etc.), and the impacts and applications of embedded generation. In this training course, the participants will have the opportunity to calculate fault currents and system impedances by means of Per Unit system, and practice power system circuitry analysis, fault root cause analysis, propose appropriate protection schemes and choose suitable CT’s, VT’s, and relays for different scenarios through industry-based practical worked examples and mini projects to achieve an optimized and coordinated operation of control and protection devices in typical complex power systems.
This training course will highlight:
- Substation construction, installation, and operation
- Power system protection
- Substation equipment selection and specifications
- Substation automation
- Substation earthing systems