This Gas Turbine Technology training course provides a good knowledge of gas turbine technology and enhance competency in the operation, control and troubleshooting of gas turbines. This training course provides participants with an opportunity to acquire a fundamental understanding of many aspects of stationary gas turbine engine performance appropriate to its operation and control.
The training course is intended to supply the participants with the principal of gas turbine operation. Also, to train them in monitoring the behavior of the gas turbine that will help them in enhancing its performance. This training course develops a background in gas turbine operation that enables participants to analyze operating problems properly and take the necessary corrective action.
The training course will be also directed to the tools and the trouble shooting techniques obeyed so as to help them to reach the full understanding of the operation of each system components. Control philosophy of gas turbines will be explained.
This GLOMACS Gas Turbine Technology training course will highlight:
- Principles of operation of gas turbines
- Design of modern gas turbines
- Control and protection system of gas turbines
- Different stages involved in the operation of a gas turbine cycle
- Problems of gas turbines and recommended solutions
At the end of this Gas Turbine Technology training course, you will learn to:
- Identify different technologies and applications of gas turbines
- Recognize different parameters affecting the performance of a gas turbine
- Identify the requirements and the procedures for safe start up and shutdown of the turbine
- Understand the importance of TMR control system of the reliability of gas turbine
- Understand how to detect and solve the problems of gas turbines
Training Methodology
This Gas Turbine Technology training course will be delivered along workshop principles with interactive lecture format and round table discussions for certain topics. Case studies are employed to highlight particular points and appropriate video material used to illustrate particular conditions. It will include interactive worked examples that will allow all participants to use the knowledge they gained to demonstrate their skills in operating, controlling and troubleshooting gas turbine system.
Organisational Impact
The knowledge and skills gained by your staff as a result of this training course will:
- Improve machine reliability and availability
- Contribute to further reducing gas turbine operation costs
- Preserve the equipment in good conditions
- Improve the performance of the equipment
- Enable measures to quantify equipment condition
- Save money and time by enhancing the troubleshooting skills
Personal Impact
Some important benefits for the participants on this training course are:
- Enhancing their basic knowledge related to gas turbine operation and troubleshooting
- Better ability to troubleshoot gas turbine problems and avoid recurrence
- Contributing to superior plant safety records and emission compliance
- Better understanding of how manufacturers design and develop gas turbines
- Better ability to operate gas turbines safely and efficiently
- Improving confidence when dealing with suppliers and contractors
This GLOMACS Gas Turbine Technology training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- All employees involved in the gas turbines technology design, operation, control and troubleshooting
- Mechanical Engineers
- Operators
- Foremen
- Supervisors
- Control Engineers