Change is a fact of life in all teams, organizations and countries. The Leadership of change is vital and no matter what activities a Leader or Manager becomes involved in, from strategy implementation to making simple amendments to a work system; all of these activities require change leadership skills. Every time a Leader or Manager makes a decision, some type of change occurs.
This Leading & Managing Change training course focuses on vital area of Leading Change, Organizational Culture and change; Organizational Development (OD) and Work Psychology. It is a unique Management & Leadership training course that provides guidelines on best practice, current ‘best-practice’ and skills development in organizational change leadership.
This GLOMACS training course is ideal for anyone who need to manage change in their organization.
- The Difference between Change Management and Change Leadership
- The Importance of Communication during Change
- Strategies and Tools for Effective for Change Management
- Managing Employee’s Resistance to Change
- The Psychology of Work
At the end of this Leading & Managing Change training course, attendees will be able to:
- Understand Human Psychology
- Define what change is and how it impacts on the way people work
- Design a suitable change management model in their workplace
- Identify people`s responses to change and explore the reasons why people resist change
- Describe organizational culture
- Develop practical skills in change leadership
- Design and Implement an effective Organizational Development (OD) based on improved performance
Training Methodology
Participants to this Leading & Managing Change training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the training course outline with the facilitator utilizing a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. This GLOMACS training course is very participatory and experiential. It involves theoretical insight, awareness building and a lot of skill practice in a group setting. The training course methodology includes individual and group activities focused on skill development. Case Studies and presentations will highlight the major teaching features. A variety of practical sessions and group interactions are into this training course.
Organisational Impact
- Practical methodologies that can help improve change management initiatives
- Understand the importance of workplace psychology in change management
- Build a compelling vision for change with all those involved
- Develop best practice to achieve organizational effectiveness
- Apply change leadership principals to achieve successful change initiatives
- Develop a Strategy Focused Organization (SFO) through the Implementation of Change
Personal Impact
- Learn the essential ingredients of change leadership
- Develop skills in change management and leadership suitable for any organization
- Learn how to use practical change leadership tools
- Understand the five psychological phases of change management
- Appreciate issues around changing organizational culture
- Learn how to develop and Implement an effective Performance Management System as a result of Change Management
- All Managers and Leaders who wish to enhance their competencies in change management
- All Human Resource (HR) Personnel
- People who are likely to take up managerial positions in the future that will involve managing change
- Engineers and other Technical Professionals moving into Organizational Development (OD) or Business Partner (BP) roles
- Occupational Health & Safety and training staff involved in change management
- Those who received their training in Change Management in past years and need to be brought up to date with best practice in Change Leadership