In the past 50 years, Gas Chromatography has become an important analytical tool in virtually every phase of the petroleum industry, from exploration of crude oil and refining of finished products to research on new petrochemicals. Gas Chromatography (GC) is one of the most widely used techniques in modern analytical chemistry and in its basic form, is used to separate complex mixtures of different molecules based on their physical properties, such as polarity and boiling point. It is an ideal tool to analyze gas and liquid samples containing many hundreds or even thousands of different molecules, as in the case of crude oil or its products. The technique allows the analyst to identify both the types of molecular species present and their concentrations.
This comprehensive training course introduces the fundamental theory of Gas Chromatography along with the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting, from sample introduction through to data analysis. Instrument components are described and presented, along with their underlying theories as they apply to guiding best practices and effective method optimization and troubleshooting.
Because of the variety and complexity of sample types, petroleum chemists use a broad spectrum of gas chromatographic methods. You will learn about current best practices in terms of system configuration choices and initial method conditions.
This GLOMACS training course commences with an introduction to gas chromatography and will cover the following areas:
- Sample Preparation
- Sample Introduction
- Sample Separation
- Gas Supply and Handling
- Split / Split less and PTV inlets
- Capillary Volumns
- Detectors
- The Auto Sampler
- PC & Data System
- Creating Methods
- Integration and Reporting
- Quantitation and Calibrations
In addition, this training course also covers troubleshooting and maintenance of the following GC equipment:
- Sample Inlet & Auto Samplers
- Columns
- Detectors
- Data Analysis Systems
This training course is designed to give the participants the competence to:
- Understand the Basic Theoretical Aspects of Gas Chromatography
- Communicate practical information, capabilities and limitations of Gas Chromatography
- Gain confidence on the:
- GC Analysis Technique
- GC Troubleshooting
- Analytical Results Evaluation
Training Methodology
This Gas Chromatography and Troubleshooting for the Oil & Gas Industry training course explains the techniques in a clear fashion and combines a mixture of classroom based presentations with many videos on GC hardware and software. Delegates will be encouraged to participate in this training course through the use of workshops and group discussions, PowerPoint presentations as well as many short troubleshooting videos on the daily topics.
Organisational Impact
The delegates will benefit from the following:
- Introduction to procedures on sample handling and Gas Chromatography quality measurements
- A comprehensive overview to the measuring principles and application requirements of Gas Chromatography
- Introduction to the operation and troubleshooting requirements of Gas Chromatography
Personal Impact
Upon return to their workplace, delegates would have benefited from the following:
- Participants will have gained great understanding and confidence in being able to handle Gas Chromatography samples for quality / quantity measurements
- Participants introduced to the operation and troubleshooting requirements of Gas Chromatography
- Confidence in sample preparation through to sample introduction to analysis and quantification
- Participants introduced to the measuring principles and application requirements of Gas Chromatography
- Introduction to ISO17025 Accreditation requirements basics
This GLOMACS Gas Chromatography and Troubleshooting for the Oil & Gas Industry training course is ideal for lab and quality professionals that do not have formal training or experience in gas chromatography or those that want to refresh their current knowledge of gas chromatography. It is also suitable for Environmental Quality Personnel, and fiscal quality inspectors.