Lower revenues due to lower commodity prices have placed equipment life-cycle costs under the management spotlight like never before. Maintainers are faced with the challenge to deliver the same levels of equipment safety, reliability, and availability with smaller budgets. This GLOMACS Maintenance Engineering training seminar on Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices introduces the practical tools and practices that organisations need to adopt to drive down their equipment life-cycle costs in practical ways.
This GLOMACS Maintenance Engineering online training seminar emphasizes the most effective strategies, policies, tactics and practices that are needed to ensure the reliability, integrity and durability of the physical assets through their life cycle.
This GLOMACS online training seminar on Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices will highlight:
- Financial Concepts of Costs, Capital, Profit and Return on Investment
- The Model for Asset Healthcare
- Cost Impact of Equipment Failure and Degradation
- Proactive Practices and Tools to Reduce Maintenance Costs
- Failure Analysis to Focus Cost Reduction Efforts
- Work Management to Improve Resource Efficiency
At the end of this GLOMACS online training seminar on Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices, you will learn to:
- Understand the concepts of costs, capital, profit and ROI
- Understand the cost impact of unanticipated failure
- Apply proactive policies to reduce future maintenance costs
- Structure and analyse failure data to reduce repetitive failures
- Identify root causes of unanticipated failure costs
- Reduce resource costs through efficient work management practices
Training Methodology
This online training course will utilize a variety of proven online learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, retention of the information presented. The training course is conducted Online via an Advanced Virtual Learning Platform in the comfort of any location of your choice.
Organisational Impact
The organisation will:
- Gain an understanding of the sources of maintenance costs
- Be able to focus its resources on the events that contribute most to costs
- Gather and structure failure data in a meaningful way
- Eliminate defects that are driving costs
Personal Impact
The participant will be able to:
- Understand the behaviour and events that are driving costs
- Understand how poor reliability is a major factor in the cost equation
- Implement a PM program to improve reliability
- Implement root cause analysis to eliminate defects
- Apply best practice work management to ensure early detection and correction of defects
It is highly recommended that maintenance, reliability, engineering, and technical support staff including leadership and management to attend this GLOMACS Maintenance Engineering online training seminar. Also, including:
- Planners
- Supervisors
- Engineers
- Reliability Engineers
- Maintenance Team Leaders and Managers
- Operations Team Leaders and Managers