This GLOMACS Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering / Planning training course is set to deliver a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of Geographic Information System (GIS) and introduce transportation infrastructure and road safety-related data collection, and analytical methodologies and techniques utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS).
Authorities in many developed countries now actively use Geographic Information System (GIS) for highways and transport management, mainly due to the benefits of falling costs and increasing ease in planning, monitoring and managing complex systems involved in transportation planning and management, accident analysis, and route planning.
The Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and techniques significantly aid in determining capacity enhancements, improving operations, and identifying the most strategic investments for keeping the transportation system in any country running optimally. This training course is designed not only to cover the technical aspects of how to use Geographic Information System (GIS) but also to develop critical spatial thinking and spatial decision-making skills.
This Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering and Planning training course will highlight:
- Fundamentals and Major Functions of Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Geospatial Data, Database, and Geo-Referencing Techniques
- Visualization and Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Query
- Spatial Analysis and Modeling
- Multilayer Mapping and Overlay Analysis
- Heat Maps and Hotspot Analysis
By the end of this Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering and Planning training course, participants will be able to:
- Have a thorough understanding of how Geographic Information System (GIS) can help in transportation studies
- Identify trends in traffic operations and safety performance measures, leading to improvement in transportation safety
- Detect root causes of traffic incidents and determine effective countermeasures
- Evaluate the performance of segments, corridors, networks, or regions
- Pinpoint hot and cold spots via density estimation heat mapping
- Conduct complex spatial analysis required to plan the transportation systems of the future
- Build dynamic and rich mapping applications
- Gain critical spatial thinking skills and become confident in spatial decision making
Training Methodology
This GLOMACS training course will have subjects presented by the instructor utilizing a variety of proven adult learning techniques, focused on case studies and best practices. This will include active participation, in-class practice cases, followed by intense group sessions, video materials and tabletop activities.
Organisational Impact
The organization will benefit from advancing its efficiency in transportation infrastructure solutions, manage to reduce costs and improve its organization workflow by employing a strong geospatial data analysis platform.
The participants on this Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering / Planning training course will:
- Adopt state-of-the-art spatial data analytics in traffic / transport planning, design, and management
- Improve the operational processes, policies, and workflows
- Enhance the robustness of their infrastructure solutions services
- Demonstrate advanced presentation methods via comprehensive mapping applications
- Reduce costs of performance evaluation and assessment processes
- Improve the comprehension of their decision-making skills
Personal Impact
Upon attending this GLOMACS training course, all participants establish a solid foundation and gain practical experience in transportation-related applications of Geographic Information System (GIS) through the following:
- Learn how Geographic Information System (GIS) can assist in transportation engineering and urban planning practices
- Develop a solid background in geospatial data preparation, processing, and analysis
- Adopt the adequate type of data, and analysis process for complex road infrastructure, safety, management, and planning problems
- Develop the theoretical understanding of spatial problems
- Evaluate and assess the environmental and socio-demographic impacts on road infrastructure
This Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering / Planning training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit, those who are involved in traffic and transportation engineering concepts, road infrastructure and road safety, urban planning, and traffic management centers.
This Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering / Planning training course is suitable wide range of professionals but will significantly benefit:
- Traffic & Transportation Engineers and Professionals
- Professionals in Urban Planning and Development
- Project Managers in Infrastructure Solutions Consulting
- Data Analysts, Technicians in Traffic Management Centers
- Researchers and Consultants
- Practitioners in Traffic and Transport Engineering
- Traffic Safety Professionals
- Highway and Roadway Design Engineers