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Course Schedule
Classroom Sessions:
Date Venue
30-26 May 2025 Dubai
30-26 May 2025 Dubai
18-14 Jul 2025 London
18-14 Jul 2025 London
29 Sep  - 03 Oct 2025 Amsterdam
29 Sep  - 03 Oct 2025 Amsterdam
31-27 Oct 2025 Dubai
31-27 Oct 2025 Dubai
12-08 Dec 2025 Amsterdam
12-08 Dec 2025 Amsterdam
2025/12/29 London
2025/12/29 London
Online Sessions:
Date Venue
31-27 Oct 2025 Online
31-27 Oct 2025 Online


The benefits of good health and safety management for any organisation are significant.

This GLOMACS Advanced Health & Safety Management training course is based upon Successful Health and Safety Management produced by the UK`s Health and Safety Executive. It will provide you with everything you need to develop and sustain a genuinely successful health and safety management system. 

The Organisations must have health and safety management systems and practices that ensure risks are dealt with sensibly, responsibly, and proportionately. Effective health and safety management is not just about having a safety management system. The success of whatever system or process that is in place always depends on people`s attitudes and behaviours in the organisation (referred to as the "safety culture").

Dame Judith Hackitt, former Chair of the UK’s Health and Safety Executive, stated: “There is a need for a sensible and proportionate approach to health and safety management, in short, a balanced approach – this means ensuring that paperwork is proportionate, does not get in the way of doing the job.” Health and safety are managed with the same degree of expertise and the same standards as other core business activities.

This GLOMACS training course will highlight:

  • Significant legal duties and legislation
  • Successful health and safety management (HSG 65)
  • Human factors and their effect on safety culture
  • Risk assessments and hazard control
  • Measuring performance and HAZOPS


By the end of this GLOMACS training course, the participants will be able to:

  • Develop and sustain an effective health and safety management system
  • Understand the significant legal duties and safety legislation in Europe and the United States 
  • Develop the skills to manage health and safety in line with other core business activities
  • Appreciate the importance of safety culture and human factors in creating a successful safety management system
  • Understand risk perception and effective hazard control
  • Appreciate the importance of monitoring success

Training Methodology

This GLOMACS Advanced Health & Safety Management training course is presented using PowerPoint presentation and videos. Case studies further enhance the learning outcome. Active participation will be encouraged so that participants can gain through the personal experiences of the group.

Organisational Impact

By developing and maintaining a successful health and safety management system, an organisation will ensure they are effectively controlling risks and enhancing their reputation and profile. The organisational impact will be the following:

  • Understanding internationally accepted standards for health and safety management systems
  • Staff professional development 
  • Improved safety systems, control, and behaviour
  • Ability to reduce accidents and business losses in the workplace
  • Leaders better equipped to prevent or manage adverse events
  • Capacity to increase profitability

Personal Impact

The participants will acquire how to develop a successful health and safety management system using a variety of proven management techniques and interpersonal skills. The personal impact will be as follows:

  • Understanding the core elements of a successful health and safety management system
  • Appreciating the legal basis for health and safety management
  • Learning how to implement a health and safety management system
  • Increased knowledge in evaluating health and safety performance
  • Appreciating the importance of human factors
  • Understanding the benefits of a successful health and safety management system


This training course has been specifically designed to provide practical health and safety guidance. It would benefit a wide range of professionals involved in developing and implementing health and safety within their organisation. The guidance will enable those attending to apply this learning to sustain effective safety management.

This GLOMACS training course is a suitably wide range of professionals but will significantly benefit:

  • Senior Managers with HSE Responsibility
  • HSE Personnel
  • Engineers
  • Maintenance Personnel
  • Employee Representatives
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • All line Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders
  • Any other personnel who are involved in planning and implementing the organisation’s HSE management system


Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline

Day 1

Legislation for Health and Safety

  • Introduction
  • Legislation for Health and Safety
  • Legislation for High Hazard Industries
  • Process safety management (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119)
  • The Seveso Directive (EU Directive)
  • Introduction to Safety Management Systems

Day 2

Policy and Safety Culture  

  • Setting policy and organising for health and safety
  • Control, co-operation, communication and competence
  • Safety culture and human factors
  • Safety management systems and safety culture factors
  • Essential safety management system components
  • Developing and sustaining an effective safety management system
  • The benefits of an effective safety management system

Day 3

Planning and Implementing  

  • Planning and Implementation
  • Management Arrangements
  • Risk Control Systems – Inputs, Processes, and Outputs
  • Risk Assessments
  • Work permit systems and isolations
  • Hazard Communication

Day 4

Measuring Performance  

  • Measuring the performance of stated intentions against actual delivery
  • Active Monitoring Systems
  • Reactive Monitoring Systems
  • Audits and Reviews
  • Risk Management

Day 5

Behavioural Safety 

  • Taylor, Herzberg, McGregor, and Maslow
  • ABC Analysis – Antecedents, Behaviour, and consequences
  • Natural Penalties and Consequences
  • Identifying Critical Behaviours
  • Feedback on Observations
الشهادات المُعتمَدة
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance
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