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Course Schedule
Classroom Sessions:
Date Venue
18-14 Jul 2025 London
18-14 Jul 2025 London
26-22 Dec 2025 London
26-22 Dec 2025 London


The world of work is changing and HR has to change to meet the requirements of the new reality. The role of HR is no longer functional it has become transformational. HR has to become a brand builder and a leader. The processes provided by HR have to reflect the way society is changing. As an example regular coaching and feedback have replaced the old idea of performance being managed by one yearly appraisal.

Secondly, the role of the manager is changing. The old idea that a manager is the source of knowledge and authority has been replaced by ideas such as employee empowerment and involvement. This introduces arrangements that allow organisations to pass responsibility down to employees, letting them make their own decisions and contributing to the organisation’s success. Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders have to develop soft skills and competencies and know how to handle people effectively especially during periods of change.

In the old world, HR recruited through agencies or advertisements and relied upon interview techniques such as panel interviews without any regard for the need to make the process two-way. In the new world, everyone knows through social media what it is like to work for your company. This means that HR professionals have to be brand builders as well as ensuring that the organisation has a positive and inspiring work environment.

This GLOMACS The Art of Human Resource Management training course will highlight

  • The Building Blocks to create an Effective HR Function
  • Developing the Function to match changes in Society
  • Developing the Role of HR and the Role of the Manager
  • Processes for
    • Handling Change
    • Recruitment
    • Handling Performance Issues
    • Improving Commitment and Productivity
  • The Application of the Theory of the Psychological Contract (how to get the best from the workforce)


By the end of this Art of Human Resource Management training course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the trends that are changing the role of HR and the world of work
  • Describe the role or purpose of the HR function and the contribution the HR function makes to improving productivity and engagement
  • Explain the key principles and practices involved in
    • HR Strategy
    • Recruitment and Selection
    • Induction
    • Retention
    • Employee Relations
  • Apply an effective performance management process
  • Understand and use competencies for recruitment and performance management
  • Know how to handle conflict and disagreement
  • Apply some of the key personal skills needed to succeed in HR

Training Methodology

The training course methodology used is designed to encourage maximum participation by all delegates. The presenter will suggest ideas and theories to the delegates and then encourage them to test out the ideas by the use of discussion, small group work, exercises and feedback. Each day of this Human Resource Management training course will end by delegates completing their own record of what has been learned on the day and considering how the ideas might be transferred back to the workplace.

Organisational Impact

The purpose of this Art of Human Resource Management training course from an organisation`s point of view is to develop an effective approach to Human Resource Management. As a result, an organisation which applies these ideas will:

  • Know how to get the best from their greatest asset – their workforce
  • Know how to handle change effectively from an HR point of view
  • Know how to increase productivity
  • Know how to improve morale
  • Know how to improve motivation
  • Have an HR function which closely and in a mutually supportive way with the full line management team including Supervisors and Team Leaders

Personal Impact

As a result of attending this training course, delegates will:

  • Be effective in a range of circumstances encountered by HR professionals
  • Be confident in their approach to HR management
  • Be confident in their dealing with line managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders
  • Know how an effective HR function is structured
  • Know how to handle a range of employee relations issues
  • Be able to define a clear purpose and role for the HR function and to develop and implement an HR strategy


This GLOMACS Art of Human Resource Management training course is intended for:

  • Managers or Supervisors acquiring responsibility for the HR or Personnel Function
  • HR or Personnel Generalists
  • Specialists returning to, or moving to, a generalist role
  • Established HR Professionals wishing to obtain new ideas
  • Newly appointed HR professionals
  • Managers or Supervisors or Team Leaders who wish to improve their knowledge of professional HR


Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline

Day 1

HR as Part of the Business

It is essential for an HR department to be a strategic influence over the business not an administrative function. This means that an HR professional must be aware of the needs of the business. This in turn requires an understanding of the socio-economic issues in your market place.

  • Understanding the Context
  • Establishing the Socio-Economic Developments
  • Creating an HR Department that lives the organisation’s brand values and HR and Culture
  • Change Management Practices – changing the shape of the change curve
  • Dealing with Bad News
  • Business Awareness for HR Professionals

Day 2

The Component Parts of the HR Function

Establishing the expectations of the line management team. Finding the balance between the contribution made by line management and that made by HR. Creating an effective role for HR in the key functional areas.

  • Recruitment and Selection – addressing the realities of the world of social media
  • Building a Recruitment Process that ensures an organisation can attract the best talent
  • Asking Competency - Based Questions
  • Matching Induction to Recruitment
  • The Role of the Employee Relations Function within HR
  • Handling Disciplinary and Grievance Issues

Day 3


Creating the Practices that develop the contribution of the HR function. Developing the policies to support best practice. Making it happen for real.

  • Making the Links to Precedent
  • The HR Department and Labour Law
  • Developing Employee Relations Policy to respond to Socio-economic Conditions
  • Understanding Equality Diversity and Discrimination
  • Case Studies and Policy Implications
  • How to Design and Implement a Performance Management System that Impacts on the Whole Organisation

Day 4

The Psychological Contract

Creating the conditions in which all employees can give their best. Finding the balance between employee’s rights and obligations. Understanding ambition; the need for career planning and personal development.

  • Becoming an Employer of Choice - Building the Employer Brand
  • Employee Engagement and Involvement
  • Positive Employee Conversations
  • Identifying the Key Players
  • Succession Planning and Matching Performance with Potential
  • Developing a Continuous Learning Culture

Day 5

The Way Forward

Moving forward into the new roles for HR professionals. Developing the role of the manager. Changing the nature of HR to reflect the new reality.

  • Understanding Motivation and Avoiding a Simplistic Approach
  • Where Pay and Reward Fit with Motivation
  • The Messages for Leaders
  • Evolution of HR from Tactical to Strategic           
  • Employee Relationship Management
  • The Personal Skills needed for the New Roles
  • Influencing Skills
  • Managing Conflict
  • Assertiveness
الشهادات المُعتمَدة
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate with eligible Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) from National Registry of CPE Sponsor and Re-Certification credits from HR Certification Institute (HRCI), will be awarded to the delegates
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