Our legacy as executive leaders will stand or fall on our ability to grow and develop others that can succeed us. Good Leadership is never about taking the glory for ourselves. Like it or not, we will one day have to stand aside and hand the reins of the organization down to our successor. The Leading beyond ego training course will help you to leave your legacy by growing leaders today that can lead the organization after we have stepped aside.
Growing leaders to take over means letting go of our ego, delegating and deputizing more, and managing to transition from being the one who gives the orders, to the one who people come to for advice & wisdom. This training course is a powerful and thought provoking look at how people at the very top of their game can leave a legacy that lasts. Leaving the organization in safe hands and ensuring the long term sustainability of the organization will cement your reputation as a true leader, and it is a job that starts today.
The highlights of this GLOMACS Leading Beyond Ego training course are as follows:
- Learn how letting go of power, gives us greater power
- Learn mental strategies to deal with ego
- Understand the importance of growing your successor
- Develop the ability to trust others
- Build a deep inner confidence and inner peace
- Learn to build an organization that goes beyond our leadership
The objectives of this Leading Beyond Ego training course are:
- To develop your personal executive succession plan
- To become a leader who grows other leaders
- To understand the impact of humility on our legacy
- To become a leader with a clear long-term plan
- To prepare to transition from knowledge to wisdom
- Leading your organization to long term sustainability
Training Methodology
As this is an executive level development training, you can expect that this training course will be challenging and is aimed at stretching our comfort zones. You will receive personal feedback from your peers and well as feedback from the instructor. A variety of adult training methods will be used including, role play, case studies, presentations, videos, and practical exercises.
Organisational Impact
From this GLOMACS Leading Beyond Ego training course, your organization will benefit as the following:
- Participants will return with a renewed vigor to grow their teams
- Participants will return with an enhanced & clear passion for succession strategy
- Deeper understanding of their importance ‘living after work’
- Strengthened knowledge and emotional resilience
- Improved communication of expectations
- Improved planning & decision making
- Expanded understanding of long term business sustainability
Personal Impact
The participants will have the following benefits:
- Greater understanding of creating a leadership legacy
- Improved ability to inspire and motivate others to step up
- Greater confidence to let go
- Improved ability to delegates and deputize
- Greater understanding of the impact of ego
- Improved understanding inner confidence by trusting others
- Improved ability hand over responsibility to others
Leading Beyond Ego training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- CEOs
- Board members
- Directors
- Senior management
- Industry leaders
- Permanent secretaries
- Government ministers
- Those aspiring to reach a senior level within their organization