Asset & Maintenance Management can deliver a major contribution to the return on investment and output of a company by realising the best balance between realised performance (availability, reliability), risk (safety, image, compliance) and cost. We can only do that by making sure that our maintenance process is as effective and efficient as possible. But how to do that in daily hectic practice?
Therefore, it is essential that asset & maintenance managers strive toward the implementation of maintenance best practices. And have insight in the possible performance gaps and how risky they are.
Maintenance Audits & Site Inspections are key enablers to identify performance gaps and hidden improvement potential with which you are able to realize higher performance against lower cost. Acquiring strong audit and assessment techniques are essential for every successful asset & maintenance manager.
This highly-interactive GLOMACS Maintenance Audit and Site Inspection training course enables you to develop a powerful vision for asset & maintenance management improvement and improve your abilities to successfully promote and adapt changes in the work place. You will learn how to apply several audit & assessment techniques to assess the asset & maintenance management maturity and identify performance gaps. You will learn how to relate the assessment results to external benchmarks like PAS 55 and ISO 55000. You will understand how to transfer the assessment results into an action plan that improves the business continuity of the organization.
This GLOMACS training course will highlight:
- Developing a powerful vison for maintenance improvement
- How an audit fits in the asset management framework
- Overview and practical application of maintenance audit techniques
- Usage of international benchmark standards PAS 55 & ISO 55000
- How to transfer assessment results into a concrete action plan for improvement
At the end of this training course, you will learn to:
- Understand the added value of asset & maintenance management to the business process
- Explain how maintenance audits are related to the asset management framework and why they are beneficial
- Understand the basic principles of maintenance audits & site inspections
- Apply assessment techniques to identify performance gaps and improvement potential
- Benchmark their maintenance organization against international world class standards
- Set up a concrete implementation plan based on assessment results
Training Methodology
This Maintenance Audit and Site Inspection training course will be conducted along interactive workshop principles. There will be a variance of lectures and practical exercises. Experiences from different areas will be discussed. There will be many opportunities for discussion and sharing experiences.
This GLOMACS training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals involved in the area of maintenance contracts, but will greatly benefit:
- Operations & Maintenance Professionals
- Asset owners & Asset Managers
- Maintenance Engineers & Business Improvement Leaders
- All Professionals involved in asset & maintenance management auditing
- Quality & Compliance Managers
- Lead Auditors & Audit Team Members
- Anyone who wishes to update themselves on asset & maintenance assessments