Workflow is the detailed execution of a business process, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.
Workflow Management is an essential component of business improvement initiative such as corporate re-engineering, business systems developments, e-commerce, e-government, quality management, compliance and business process improvement and management.
In this training course, the participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to discover, define, and manage process workflow.
Participants will learn the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) method of workflow diagramming and modelling. This method is an open modelling standard that can be used to document workflow across a wide variety of industries. It can easily be understood by both business and technical people and is used by a number of leading workflow and modelling automation tools.
The training course also provides a set of workflow design principles and measurement techniques that can be used to improve and manage workflow performance.
The main objectives of this GLOMACS training course are as follows:
- Understand key workflow concepts
- Discover and define workflow in an organization
- Define the scope of a business process workflow
- Objectively analyze process workflows
- Capture and model the details of an existing workflow
- Apply a set of best-practice principles to improve and automate workflows
- Implement workflow improvements
Training Methodology
State-of-the-art workflow modelling and improvement is transferred by means of short focused presentations which are followed by experiential learning training course sessions. In these sessions, the knowledge gained is applied to the real-world examples and case studies. Rapid learning of the methods and techniques is achieved by means of group work, individual work, participant discussion, facilitator interaction and constructive feedback.
Organisational Impact
- Enable a process-centric organizational culture
- Facilitate radical and continuous improvement in the organization
- Accurately define the work of the organization through the use of workflow models
- Contribute to the achievement of breakthrough organizational performance
Personal Impact
- Objectively obtain the right information to develop workflow models
- Effectively apply best-practice workflow analysis, modelling and improvement techniques
- Confidently contribute to workflow improvement initiatives
- Be able to apply best-practice techniques to workflow design
This GLOMACS training course is designed for workflow analysts and designers, business staff, compliance staff, process owners, business and systems analysts, information technology professionals, quality specialists, workflow improvement project leaders and project team members.