The management of conflicts and difficulties is one of the most misunderstood, time-consuming and poorly handled of leadership responsibilities. Most leaders, managers and supervisors regard ‘conflict’ as something negative. However, if it is used and managed well and occurs in high-trust cultures, conflict can be a powerful source of sustainable competitive advantage.
This Conflict Management training course entitled Managing Conflicts & Difficult Situations has been specifically designed to help leaders and managers to control and reduce negative conflict, build high-trust organizational cultures and deal proactively with difficult situations using highly effective techniques. The training course incorporates the latest research regarding Emotional Intelligence (EI), neuro-science, psychology, personality research and cutting-edge communication and influencing techniques.
This GLOMACS training course will highlight:
- Your natural personality preferences for thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving that may trigger conflict – or help to manage it
- The default conflict-management strategies people use – both helpful and unhelpful
- The nature, types and causes of conflict and difficulty – inter-personal and strategic
- Highly effective strategic and verbal techniques to address conflict and difficulties at both the individual and organizational level
- How to structure your meetings, presentations and communications to reduce negative conflict and encourage healthy debate
This training course is designed to help you to:
- Identify the common types and sources of conflict in your workplace
- Appreciate your own and other’s personality profiles and preferred conflict approaches
- Understand the predictable emotional triggers and responses to conflict
- Differentiate between assertive, passive and aggressive behaviours
- Deal with difficult people and situations using a large range of powerful techniques
Training Methodology
This highly interactive and engaging Conflict Management training course will use a range of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities, individual exercises, mini-case studies, role plays, targeted videos and relevant discussions. A key part of the learning process is the sharing of different experiences as well as experimenting with novel – and sometimes challenging – practical techniques. A Personality / Social Styles profile will be used to give you an insight into how your own, and others, personality can contribute to creating or resolving conflicts. In addition, a Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode type profile will reveal your own default conflict-management strategy and how you can utilize this self-knowledge to your advantage.
Organisational Impact
By attending this training course and applying the insights, your organization will benefit from:
- Having a high-trust culture of openness, integrity and certainty
- Stronger working relationships, greater collaboration and discretionary effort
- Enhanced ability of employees to resolve their own problems and difficulties so avoiding extended disruptions
- Reduced workplace stress and tension that results in improved morale
- Constructive resolution of conflicts and challenges
- Higher levels of organizational productivity
Personal Impact
An AMA survey by Thomas & Schmidt found that managers spend between 18–26% of their time dealing with conflicts; that can amount to 10 hours of your valuable time per week! As a leader, manager or supervisor, this training course will help you to:
- Recognize the warning signs of conflict early on
- Address the issues quickly and effectively
- Increase the overall productivity of your team or department
- Focus on more important strategic and operational matters
- Master a skill set that’s essential in more senior roles
- Gain credibility in the eyes of senior management
This GLOMACS training course is suitable to a wide range of Ambitious Professionals, but will greatly benefit:
- Managers and Team Leaders
- Leaders & Supervisors who need to take charge of – and resolve – conflicts or difficult situations that could have a negative impact on performance, effectiveness and relationships
- Junior / Middle Managers new to their role, or with experience but little previous training