This GLOMACS Leading for Organisational Impact training course can dramatically change your work, career, and life to be more productive and meaningful. It will give you the tools and a sense of purpose to change the way your team sees you. It will transform your role from a manager to a leader, coach, and facilitator. As such, your impact will be long-lasting and impactful. And it will give you the confidence to stake and shape an exciting future, one in which the individual needs of a new generation of employees and demanding stakeholders are met.
In a nutshell, it will speed up the journey from average to excellence.
The time for a renewed approach to leadership and organizational performance is at hand, and the need is urgent. Albert Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity. And yet, most organizations continue to have practices that reflect outdated circumstances and, as such, are inefficient, time-consuming, and frustrate both employees and clients. These organizations have too many managers and also a few leaders.
Unless you’re in a start-up, your organization is probably governed by a culture that represents the past. But the future is where you’re going to be spending most of our time. So, building a new culture, one that embraces challenges and change, is essential. It is the task of leadership.
This training course will highlight:
- Anticipating the future
- Getting ahead of the change curve
- Creating an agile work environment
- Understanding why the new generation of employees – the Millennials – are different and need new organization strategies to leverage their talent better
- Building change into daily management practices
- Welcoming new challenges with a can-do attitude
- Incorporating leadership best practices to fit your context
- Understanding the biochemical impact of effective leadership
- Powering up your team for peak performance
- Using measurement to build accountability for continuous improvement
At the end of this Leading for Organisational Impact training course, you will learn to:
- Understand and apply best leadership practices from the world’s most admired organizations
- Engage and empower employees to go beyond their perceived abilities
- Transform your work environment to one that embraces change and challenges
- Make changes to the structure of your team to facilitate value-added ongoing improvement
- Facilitate measurable improved performance and innovation
Training Methodology
This Leading for Organisational Impact training course will be participative and engaging. The participants will learn by being exposed to practices that are field-tested. Each fast-paced session will expose participants to the speaker’s international experience of working with world-class organizations. There will be many interactive exercises and discussions to see how best practices can be applied to the participant’s circumstances.
They will have a personal action plan to improve their team and feel empowered to seize new opportunities that might previously have been hidden.
Organisational Impact
Organizations that send their managers to this Leading for Organisational Impact training course will see :
- Increased enthusiasm to tackle challenges
- A proactive approach to leading value-added change
- Application of best practices that other managers would want to emulate
- Measurable impact on employee performance
- New behaviors that accelerate high performance
- Increase collaborative problem solving and innovation
Personal Impact
The participants will return to work with heightened enthusiasm to:
- Be an admired contributor
- Contribute to stakeholder benefits in meaningful and measurable ways
- Learn new practical, proven tools and techniques that are impactful in the real-world
- Reduce negative stress that contributes to low morale, high absenteeism, and poor performance
- Structure your team to drive increased value
- Have a sense of confidence to overcome organizational roadblocks
Leadership is an essential skill for managers who want to break free of tiered and ineffective traditional management practices. In a global economy, learning firm and practicing transformative strategies is a key to survival and success.
This GLOMACS training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Front-line Managers under pressure to do more with less
- Senior Managers who are charged with transforming their department to be more client-centric
- Human Resource Professionals who need to be up-to-date on best leadership practices
- Managers who are too involved in day-to-day issues and who need to drive performance through others
- Senior and Middle Managers who aspire to a transformational leadership level