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Online Sessions:
Date Venue
07-03 Nov 2025 Online


Participants to this GLOMACS “Coring and Conventional Core Analysis” training course are those who want to enrich their geological, geophysical, petrophysical and reservoir engineering knowledge and experience with some real rock data and knowing where this data is coming from and how they were interpreted in addition to the in-depth background on how to maximize the usage of such 3d real data in hand.

By choosing this GLOMACS Coring and Conventional Core Analysis training course, all attendees will differentiate between good and bad data, how to retrieve what they need from core reports, link their work and interpretation to solid conclusive material especially for facies, zonation and petrophysical parameters.

All attendees will have a strong background on knowing what analysis, lab work, and even type of methods used to request once the core is ready as well as having a good quality control scheme on presented data by the coring company.

One thing that is very important for both geologist and reservoir engineers is to have a reasonable justification and explanation to some odd reservoir behavior and ambiguities. 

This GLOMACS training course will highlight:

  • Why we need a core and what is the maximum we can get from?
  • How to have a good core and hence accurate analysis?
  • The application of core data and analysis onto reservoir rock evaluation
  • How core can help explaining odd reservoir behavior and ambiguities?
  • All type of tools and lab analysis that we can have what they provide per reservoir type
  • Link all core interpreted data to environment of deposition, modeling and volumetric  


The main goals of this GLOMACS` Coring and Conventional Core Analysis training course on Coring and Conventional Core Analysis  are to  enrich the participant’s knowledge with in-depth core data, understand the coring procedure and importance, maximize the usage of core analysis, learn the benefit of core interpreted data to geologists and engineers, create the best justification several reservoir behavior ambiguities and link all results in hand to future facies / zonation and modeling.

By the end of this GLOMACS training course, participants will hopefully learn to:

  • Know the vital role of Coring
  • What to get from core analysis?
  • Maximize the usage of core data
  • Understand and justify possible reservoir behavior ambiguities
  • Apply interpreted core data to environment and facies

Training Methodology

The instructor will involve the participants not only by showing and interpreting the course material together, in detail, but they will work together by projecting their previous knowledge onto the course. Some samples and videos will be also reviewed and discussed along with a self-evaluation point quizzes during the course path so the course will hopefully be more fruitful.

Organisational Impact

The organization will gain a lot through its attendees of this GLOMACS training course as:

  • The candidates will all have the same coring, et al background
  • More and better team members (G&G&RE) work will prevail
  • Skills acquired during this course will have a direct impact on resolving several reservoir ambiguities
  • Each company will have a better coring evaluation from all respected attendees concerning best usage of core data
  • The company will learn, through its attendees, how to get the best and safest cost and time effective core operation
  • The organization will have a direct link between core sedimentology and future modeling

Personal Impact

In addition to the company direct and indirect benefit there is a personal impact on all attendees despite their different backgrounds:

  • Participants will gain huge amount of details on the coring process from planning to data usage
  • All attendees will share an understanding of the direct impact of core data onto their real and practical working life
  • Application of sedimentological and petrophysical interpretation will reveal and solve lot of geological and reservoir engineering ambiguities of the participants
  • Attendees will learn how to better prepare for any static and dynamic modeling
  • By learning a piece of sedimentary facies and depositional environments ,reservoir and petroleum engineers will have an added points to their careers
  • On the other side geologist will help their career growth by learning how to link and merge all reservoir data onto their imaginary geophantasmogram, etc.


This GLOMACS training course suits all exploration and development staff and reservoir engineers, but it is mainly designed to for:

  • Petrophysicists
  • Geologists and Modeler
  • Reservoir Engineers
  • Geophysicists


Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline

Day 1

Introduction to Coring: Why and How?

  • What is Coring and Why?
  • Coring Objectives, Procedure ad Used Tools
  • Planning for Coring (when to take it or not?)
  • Related Geo-hazards
  • Handling and Cleaning the Core
  • Why we need core analysis?

Day 2

From Core Preservation to Analysis

  • Core Preservation, Drying and Sampling
  • Core Analysis ,SWC, Type and Tool
  • A Brief on SCAL
  • Core from Field to Lab
  • Core Gamma and Well Logs
  • Getting the Maximum out of the Core
  • Petrography, SEM and Photomicrograph
  • Clastics and Carbonate Cores in Oil Industry Reports

Day 3

From Sedimentological Core Description to Full Interpretation

  • Core Photo Types vs. Lithostratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Description
  • Core Description
  • Sedimentary Log
  • Sedimentary Facies and Facies Association
  • XRD,XRF, ? types, K, Packing , etc.
  • Fractures, Collapse and Dissolution

Day 4

Reservoir Parameters: Define and Apply

  • Core Facies vs. E Logs
  • SW, Vsh, etc.
  • Reservoir Facies Anisotropy
  • Clay Mineral Effect
  • Archie Formula and OIP
  • Secondary Recovery and Flow Units
  • Fractures and Image Analysis

Day 5

From Core Data Application to Reservoir Modeling

  • From Core Interpretation to Mapping
  • Thins Layers, Hidden Facies and Shoulder Effect Problems
  • Cutoffs, From Core Data to Correlations
  • Core Data Application to Fault Sealing Analysis
  • FZI, Poor to Perm Charts and Upscaling
  • From Core Interpretation to Static and Dynamic Modeling
الشهادات المُعتمَدة
  • On successful completion of this training course, GLOMACS Certificate will be awarded to the delegates
  • Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE) : In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsor, one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance
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