This High Voltage Switching Safety, Operations and Maintenance training course will feature the importance and relevance of switching in High Voltage Power Systems in operation and maintenance. Engineers and technicians will familiarize themselves with relevant safety procedures and practices used for its implementation. General guidance to safety and practical examples of Management Systems will be presented as well as necessity of having procedures during operation and maintenance.
Technical aspects of switching devices as well as their maintenance requirements are briefly included in the course in order to understand the risks associated with switchgear operation. Aspects of modern maintenance techniques in asset managements will be covered at the level appropriate for this training course.
In addition to the procedures for safe switching the course will provide examples of incidents following misconducts or equipment failure. Investigation procedures for such incidents will be discussed following the internal actions and fulfilling the legislative aspect.
This training course will highlight:
- Standards guides and codes of practice
- General guidance to work safely
- Safe switching (operation) of the switchgear
- Importance of earthing
- Site safety management
- Investigation procedures
- Legislative aspects
At the end of this training course, you will learn to:
- Understand what are the hazards associated with switching
- Correctly select and use of equipment
- Managers and supervisors will learn the actions in respect to safety
- Learn how to assess safe working practices
- Discuss network operator’s procedures
- Discuss and understand set of distribution safety rules through examples
Training Methodology
Participants to this training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the training course outline with the Instructor utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. Training course methodology includes interactive sessions with power point presentation including slides and videos. The participants will actively contribute in analysis of case studies and finding the most appropriate mitigating measure.
Organisational Impact
The knowledge and awareness of the processes and procedures for safe switching in HV power systems that the engineers and managers will gain in this training course will be used in improving the safe operation and maintenance as well as the overall system performance.
- Staff awareness of importance of safety switching reducing number of incidents
- Initiate setting up or reviewing safe procedures
- Highlighting legal obligation to all staff
- Understanding staff training importance and requirements
- Awareness of consequences, incidents and investigations
Personal Impact
The participants will benefit from learning and sharing the experience in this training course in:
- Personal awareness of safety and safety procedures
- Understanding the importance of implementation of procedures and consequences
- Importance of applying system of records
- Understand site safety management
- Learn switching operation for maintenance
- Deciding whether to work dead or live
- Understand legal requirement for investigation following incidents
The GLOMACS training course is structured for engineers, technicians and managers who are likely to be in position to carry on switching or work on parts of the system isolated by switching or manage work under those circumstances.
Managers at decision-making positions should also be aware of legal obligations if not complying with procedures and code of practice.
- Operational staff and managers working in industrial and distribution systems
- Maintenance engineers and technicians
- Site managers, site engineers and senior technicians working in electrical utility companies and industrial organizations
- System and substation design engineers working on control and earthing design
- All professionals who deal with the aspects of maintenance planning and asset managers