This highly-interactive GLOMACS Supply Market Analysis training course will give you the supply market analysis tools, resources and best practices you require to understand the marketplace in which suppliers conduct their business. A supply market analysis study provides insights about your supplier’s industry.
The analysis enables organisations to develop a detailed understanding of key trends, major players, and overall market dynamics that could influence the development of the commodity strategy e.g. route to market, letting strategy. Supply Market Analysis gives an organisation a competitive advantage in the marketplace and significantly reduces overall procurement costs.
This training course will feature:
- Overview of the supplier’s market
- Financial analysis of the suppliers
- Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) for each supplier
- In-depth analysis of the supply, demand and cost drivers impacting the supply market
- Recommendations for sourcing decisions
At the end of this training course, you will learn to:
- Identify ways to manipulate markets to deliver significant cost, value and risk improvement
- Use market knowledge to extract additional value from deals
- Build an understanding of market economics and market drivers
- Use market knowledge to boost confidence when discussing procurement with suppliers and to demonstrate commercial acumen
Training Methodology
Participants will increase competencies through a variety of instructional methods including lecture by an experienced practitioner and consultant, exercises, extensive analysis of organizations’ market supply, review published articles, and group discussions covering current practices with their relationship to the implementation of new concepts.
Organisational Impact
The organisation will benefit by:
- The ability to deliver real value in a shorter time
- Reduce the number of non-value adding activities
- Improved relations between personnel, customers and suppliers
- Reduction in total cost of ownership
- Improved supplier performance
Personal Impact
Attendees will gain by participation in this training course as a result of:
- Increased skill sets in all phases of strategic procurement
- Greater ability to lead, plan, and manage the procurement process
- A greater sense of professionalism and being able to contribute to the organisation’s strategic objectives
- Increased knowledge about supply, demand and cost drivers
- Increased recognition by the organization due to improved performance
This GLOMACS Supply Market Analysis training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Contracts, Purchasing, and Procurement Personnel
- Project, Engineering, Operational, and Maintenance, personnel who are involved in the planning, and execution of purchases and contracts
- All involved in the acquisition of materials, equipment, and services and who are in organizations whose leadership want high levels of competency in those involved in these activities