This IMO model OPRC Level 1 Oil Spill Response training course for operational staff - First Responders on Oil Spill Response and Preparedness – has been developed and designed to be conducted as an intensive, 5 day training course with approximately half of the course time in the form of practical exercises.
This training course will deal with the essential upgrade of knowledge of delegates to fully understand the fate and behaviour of oil and chemical spills in the marine and coastal environments and how to combat such spills.
This IMO model OPRC Level 1 Oil Spill Response training course is divided into modules which may be taught individually or in blocks, with corresponding exercises (classroom, demonstrations or real life practice).
Most of the objectives in the theoretical part of the course are knowledge objectives, whereas the practical training objectives are skills objectives.
Each of the lessons in the course has a clearly stated lesson objective, stating what the students will be able to do after each lesson. The Enabling Objectives (EOs) clearly state what the students can be expected to do during the lesson. All objectives are clearly verifiable with indicators. For the exercises found in the practical exercise module(Module 4), the specific skills to be attained by the students during the exercises are stated with indicators and conditions.
Training Methodology
Modular Training Approach
The selection of modules and their subject matter content in this course are designed to address the training needs of the target group. This means that the instructors - for each individual training course – may have to define in some detail the specific training needs of the specific target group. First responders’ tasks will vary to a considerable degree, depending on their designation (land or marine responders), experience, equipment available and the prevailing conditions in the local environment. First responders in, for example, the Baltic States operating at high sea state during winter will have very different training needs from South East Asian responders protecting fish farms or mangrove areas under tropical conditions.
The selection of relevant modules and exercises, their sequence and any additional supporting references and materials to fit the agreed needs of a target group will have to be determined by the instructors in close collaboration with the client and the host country organization.
PowerPoint Presentations
A series of PowerPoint presentations have been prepared covering all the lesson modules which constitute the pedagogic component of the Level One course. They are closely linked with the material contained in the Students’ Workbook.
This IMO model OPRC Level 1 Oil Spill Response training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- First Responders
- Decision making staff
- Environmental Mangers in oil terminal, offshore terminal and ships