Process Plant Optimization plays very important role in today’s industrial world. For optimization benefits to be substantial, cost of production including operation interruptions must be kept to a minimum. This requires effective management of maintenance operations and optimization of equipment and plant reliability and availability. This also involves effective inspection and maintenance strategies, planning methods. Plant optimization can be an effective way to achieve improved profitability
Important aspect of process plant optimization is related to system energy management and energy consumption reduction. Industrial processes and systems offer significant potentials for savings. Process changes such as advanced controls and new technologies also present opportunities for plant optimization.
This GLOMACS Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course will provide a comprehensive review of the various aspects of process plant integrity as the essential foundation for sustainable plant profitability and optimization.
- To assist participants in understanding the main elements of plant optimization the way how to achieve and realize potential benefits
- To enhance the business focus of participants and equip them to make more contributions to sustainable plant profitability
- To equip maintenance professionals, planners and engineers with the knowledge to select the most appropriate methodologies for their maintenance decision-making
- To learn how to identify the potential for reduction of energy consumption
- To provide participants with practical and effective methods and tools to perform technical and economic evaluations of the alternatives
Training Methodology
This GLOMACS Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures and interactive worked examples. The emphasis in this GLOMACS training will be on the explanation of all technical phenomena and providing answers to problems that are encountered in everyday industrial practice related to maintenance, repair and alterations of process equipment. Each learning point will be reinforced with practical examples. There will be ample opportunities for active discussion and sharing professional experiences and exchange that will help solidify the gained knowledge. All course materials will be provided.
Organisational Impact
Optimization of process plant operation, including equipment efficiency, energy consumption and maintenance management, is vital to the budgetary success of the organisation. On completion of this GLOMACS Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course, the delegates will be able to critically analyse the methodologies employed within the organisation and instigate improvements where required.
Personal Impact
Technical knowledge is a key to effective control and peer respect within any process plant organisation. This GLOMACS Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement training course will enable the delegates to achieve the required level of technical knowledge and skill that will be used effectively in their professional duties. With new knowledge and experience gained during the course, the delegates will achieve a great deal of personal satisfaction.
- Process plant technical professionals: engineers, technicians and operators
- Engineers, supervisors, operations and maintenance personnel, as well as for project engineers
- Engineering and technical personnel involved in improving process plant profitability and energy efficiency